I wish I could change my user name.
I am no longer confused.
by moreconfusedthanever 14 Replies latest forum tech-support
I wish I could change my user name.
I am no longer confused.
I don't need anyone to scratch me either.
Thankfully I'm OK with my skin.
Haha! yes, I am cerrtainly no longer stuck in a rut either!
I originally chose my name as i was stuck as an appointed man in the cong, active in all aspects, but mentally out!
So i chose stuckinarut2 ( as in "I am stuck in a rut as well" ) as i knew there were many others in my situation.
I am now well and truly out ; and so thankful too! My wife is also out, hence her user name choice here 'unstuck'
Thankfully, I won't ever need to change my name. It describes me just fine.
So what stops you from changing your name? A lot of people rejoin and say 'hey I used to be so and so I'm back as New Name.'
I know Simon doesn't want people to have more then one account but if your name is important to you........... start a new account and just ignore your old account.
I don't make the rules around here but just saying........
i used to be bigmac
I'm not really wild.
I am still most definitely worldly.....and female.
My old nan used to say in response to my many 'I wish.....' statements: 'Well, wish in one hand and shit in the other.....see what gets full first...' just saying.