The Following is the vast list of offences the Watchtower has created for which a Jehovah's Witness can be disfellowshipped or disassociated.' I have highlighted a few that seem to be way off the mark.
The abbreviations refer to the following publications:
- Kingdom Ministry (km)
- Watchtower (w)
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of Gods Kingdom (1993) (jv)
- Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock (ks91-E)
- Organised to Accomplish Our Ministry (om)
- Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1 or 2 (it-1 or 2)
- Correspondence Guidelines 2011 revision (cg)
- Adultery (sexual intercourse with a person other than your marriage mate), includes;
- Abandoning wife and eloping with another woman - w79 11/15 31-2, w76 p.728
- Planned adultery to break Scriptural marriage ties - w83 3/15 p.29
- Remarriage without Scriptural permission - w56 10/1 p.597
- Polygamy - jv 176
- Dating a person not legally divorced - ks91-E p.135
- Apostasy - w83 4/1 pp.22-4, km 8/80 pp.1, 4. includes;
- Rebellion against Jehovah's organization - w63 7/1
- Promoting sects - it-2 886
- Associating with disfellowshipped people including;
- Friends - ks91-E p.103, w81 9/15 pp.25-6, w55 10/1 p.607
- Blood and blood transfusions - w61 1/15 ks91-E p.95, jv p.183-4
- Drug use - ks91-E p.96
- Drunkenness - ks91-E p.95, it-1 656
- Dishonest business practices - w63 7/1, w86 11/15 14
- Employment violating Christian principles - km 9/76 p.6, km 2/74
- Working for any religious organization - ks91-E p.95
- Working in a gambling institution - ks91-E p.136
- Selling tobacco - ks91-E p.96
- Contract work at a military establishment
- False worship. Includes;
- Attending another church ks91-E p.94
- Following mourning customs that involve false worship - w85 4/15 p.25
- Fornication it-1 863
- Bestiality - w83 6/1 p.25
- Incestuous marriage - w78 3/15 p.26
- Artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood.
- "True Christians, therefore, avoid surrogate motherhood as well as any procedures that involve the use of donated sperm, eggs, or embryos" g04 9/22;
- "Artificial insemination of a married woman by a donor other than her husband makes her guilty of adultery" g74 8/8 p.28
- sexual abuse of children - g93 10/8 p.10
- Reviling - ks91-E p.94, w96 7/15 pp.17-18; it-1 p.991; it-2 p.802
- Fraud - ks91-E p.94, om pp.142-3
- Gambling or related employment - w80 9/1, ks91-E p.136
- Gluttony - w86 5/1
- Greediness, this in used to include;
- gambling ks91-E p.95
- extortion ks91-E p.95, w89 1/15 22, it-1 p.789
- greed in relation to bride-price: w98 9/15 p.25
- Homosexuality - w83 6/1 pp.24-6
- Idolatry - w52 3/1 p.138
- Loose conduct - ks91-E pp.93, 96, w83 3/15 p.31, w73 9/15 p.574, it-2 p.264, ks91-E p.93, w83 3/15 p.31, w73 9/15 pp.574-6, w97 9/1 p.14, it-2 p.246.
This includes; - Sexual perversion
- transvestism/sex change - cg p.98
- Disregard for Jehovah's moral standards
- Disrespect, disregard or even contempt for standards, laws and authority
Rather than restricted to the usual definition of sexual perversion, the Watchtower defines "loose conduct" as including "disrespect to elders". This enables this term to be used to disfellowship for a wide range of offences not elsewhere covered, and as such is used to cover all manner of sins, such as refusal to cease fellowship with disfellowshipped people, or even being contemptuous in a judicial meeting where no other sin can be proven.
- Lying - ks91-E p.94, g00 2/8 p.21
- Non neutral activities (involvement in politics and the military) - ks91-E p.96
- Military service and non military service including working casual work (certain civilian work has recently been made a conscience matter w96 5/1 p.20) - ks91-E p.96
- Obscene speech - ks91-E p.95
- Parents condoning immorality - w56 p.566
- Political involvement, including voting or holding a political card in Malawi - ks91-E p.96 (w99 11/1 p.28 made voting a conscience matter)
- Porneia. Includes oral and anal sex between married couples, mutual masturbation between persons not married to each other, homosexuality, lesbianism, fornication, adultery, incest, and bestiality. - ks91-E p.93
- Slander - ks91-E p.94, w63 7/1, w89 10/15 p.14, om p.142
- Smoking or selling tobacco - km 2/74, ks91-E p.96
- Spiritism (includes yoga w02 8/1 p.22) - w55 10/1 p.607
- Stealing, thievery - om pp.142-5, ks91-E p.94
- Subversive activity - w95 10/1 p.31
- Uncleanness
- Sexually perverse practices within marriage, such as oral and anal sex - w83 3/15 p.31
- Heavy petting and breast fondling - ks91-E p.92
- Touching of sexual parts - ks91-E p.91
- Practice of viewing abhorrent Pornography - w2012 3/15 p.31
- Violation of secular law if flagrant attitude - w86 10/1 p.31
- Violence, extreme physical abuse, fits of anger - ks91-E p.96, w75 p.287, g01 11/8 p.12
- Includes Boxing w81 7/1 pp.30-1, ks91-E p.142
- Wilful non support of family, endangerment of mates spirituality - w88 11/1 pp.22-3, km 9/73 p.8, ks91-E p.95
- Worldly celebrations such as Christmas - ks91-E p.95 (It appears celebrating birthdays is not a reason to be disfellowshipped)
The 2010 Elder's handbook titled "Shepherd the Flock of God" includes Chapter 5, "Determining Whether a Judicial Committee Should Be Formed." This extends from pages 58 to 79 and lists reasons for which a person can be disfellowshipped. Page 58 clarifies that "This list is not comprehensive. There may be other matters that would also merit the attention of a judicial committee."
The following categories and subcategories are as laid out in the book.
"Manslaughter: p.59
Murder or loss of life through carelessness or violating a traffic law
Attempted Suicide
Por.neia: p.59 immoral use of the genitals with lewd intent.
Brazen conduct, loose conduct: pp.60,61 an insolent, contemptuous attitude made evident by a practice of these things:
- unnecessary association with disfellowshipped nonrelatives
- child sexual abuse
- pursue a romantic relationship with a person though not legally or Scripturally free to marry
- stayed all night in the same house with a person of the opposite sex (or in the same house with a known homosexual) under improper circumstances
Gross uncleanness, uncleanness with greediness: pp.61-65 vices that are not classes as por.neia but that could lead to ones being disqualified from Gods Kingdom."
- Passion-arousing heavy petting or caressing of breast
- Extreme physical uncleanness
Misuse of addictive drugs: p.65
Apostasy: pp.65,66
- Celebrating false religious holidays
- Participation in interfaith activities
- Deliberately spreading teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses
- Causing divisions and promoting sects
- Continuing in employment that makes on an accomplice to or a promoter of false worship
- The practice of spiritism
- Idolatry
Drunkenness: p.66
Gluttony: p.67
Stealing, thievery: p.67
Deliberate, malicious lying; bearing false witness: p.67
Fraud, slander: p.67
Reviling: p.68 subjecting a person to insulting speech, heaping abuse upon him.
Obscene speech: p.69
Greed gambling, extortion: pp.69,70 Includes A Christian who greedily and unrepentantly extorts a high bride-price
Adamant refusal to provide materially for ones own family: p.70
Fits of anger, violence: p.70 Includes professional boxing
Watchtower claims that disfellowshipping only occurs to those that commit serious sins and are unrepentant.