I though I'd heard and seen it all. I guess I was mistaken. I saw from various social media the the witnesses are holding parties to make memorial bread. What will they think of next??
making memorial bread parties
by wannaexit 13 Replies latest jw friends
It gives them an opportunity to have fun and celebrate since everything else is forbidden. I was a JW from birth 1960-1984 and must say that the memorial is some of the most treasured and few special events that I do continue to reflect on with joy....the Blessings of the Lessons learned as a former JW -
"since everything else is forbidden" sadly too true. -
Village Idiot
How about pine tree parties around December? -
Back in my day, the little kids were allowed to eat the "unleavened bread" after the memorial. It tasted nasty, but we didn't care. We thought it was cool to pretend we were anointed. Then, the "mothership" had to be a buzzkill and forbid it.
I have never heard of having an "unleavened bread" party. Sounds like a blast.
oh my god
Let me imagine how "fun" these (gag) "get-togethers" are.
A bunch of jw women together. First up is a prayer. One puts a napkin on her head and prays they mix the flour just right to ensure jehoho is happy with a carbohydrate representation of his son's corpse.
Then they mix it in a bowl and cook it while listening to Kingdumb Smelodies and gossiping about who is going to wear what dress for the annual reenactment of Jesus' murder and funeral.
Sounds like a blast.
I grew up witness and now think it's so sad that at the big witness event of the year, the most exciting part was passing a plate and goblet for a couple seconds and figuring out who those guys with beards that you weren't allowed to talk to who only showed up at the memorial were.
It is really all so pathetic.
Small things amuse small minds , parties to make memorial bread ? Geeeez
I wanna go to the memorial wine party. That sounds a blast. -
Well that`s one that I wouldn`t / couldn`t refuse to go to , the wine would nullify my being in the company of die-hard J.W.`s