DJ, I don't think I missed the point at all. Is it possible that you confuse being impolite with being intolerant? If that's the case then, Jesus Christ is a hypocrite under your definition. I don't believe that you would claim that He was unfailingly polite to the scribes and Pharisees when he was cutting the legs out from under their self-serving arguments. Perhaps it would be helpful to tighten up the definitions being bandied about in this thread? I maintain that I can be impolite while I'm suffering fools just as was Jesus; and I maintain that is not a hypocritical act. Now, if I refused even to hear a JW's explanation of why he believes as he does, THAT would be hypocritical. And I don't engage in that behavior, just as I don't suffer fools gladly.
sKally - "What a load of bull balls served cold!!" WTF are you talking about? Do you know? Let's hear it if you think you can explain it - although I won't listen to you gladly.
P.S. - Where did you get your definition of tolerance, the one with "respect" in the definition?. Did you add the word "respect" on your own authority? You did, didn't you?