NO! They were ALL lunar months! So the "calender" intepreted by Fred Franz was not only one that isn't used in modern times, but wasn't even used by the Jews in ancient times! As this phony "ancient" calendar was using to predict a modern date using a modern calendar!
Hi Farkel-da-man!
Not so sure if this was a quote from you or not, but...
The actual calendar used by the Jews was a LUNISOLAR calendar which included 13 months some of the years.
Thus the WBTS reference to the calculations, which is just an interpretation, especially since the Bible rounds off things, such as each month 30 days and every 3-1/2 years as 1260 days OR 1290 days, is to calculate the years and months based upon the 1260 days but then when applied use the standard lunisolar years. Thus the times are representative and not precise.
But this is as close as one can get to this since "intepretation belongs to God" and thus all we can do is make comparisons to determine what might be the correct interpretation, but obviously there is room for more than one calculation.
BUT GENERALLY, the Bible acknowledges the lunisolar year in the 1260 days and the 1290 days reference to the same period of "times, time and half time" (Daniel 12) which makes the two interchangeable, depending.
But the WTS basically admits that they first CALCULATE the years based upon 1260 for 3.5 years or 360 for a "time" but when those years are played out, they are played out in LUNISOLAR years.
Thus, in case you hadn't noticed, with some months being 29 days and some 30 days, 12 x 12 months of exactly 30 days is 360 days a year, thus a 12-month year of lunar months is going to be less than 360 days per year for the 12-month year. But the SOLAR YEAR is 365-1/4 days as you noted, which is more than 360 days a year. BUT....when the alternating 13-month lunar year arrives, you have a 385-390 day year (1 month of 30 days added to 360 is 390).
But, in the greater scheme of things, therefore, the ACTUAL CALENDAR THE JEWS USED, which was the adjustable lunisolar calendar, about every 19 years the adjusting lunar years and the solar years equal nearly the same amount of time.
So again, the WTS RULE is when calculating the years, use 30 days per month, 360 days per year and 1260 or 1290 days for 3.5 years. But when applying the time, use regular solar years or lunisolar years which are basically the same if more than 19 years.
So the "phony ancient calendar" remark is not exactly applicable for the WTS method of dating, since the Jews themselves were not on a strictly lunar month calendar which seems to be what you are implying. If I've misunderstood you, then I apologize. Please elaborate if you wish.
Thanks, Farkelman!!