Hello All.
I used to post here as Imissthedub. After almost 2 years, the dub and I are now in contact and friends. This is now a strictly platonic relationship, and always will be. We have found that despite the pain caused by our mistake, we do care about each other as humans and we want to be friends.
I do believe I may be this persons only true friend. I am unhappy to know that he and his wife and children are still dubs. I would like to show him the sham the Watchtower really is. However, some of the names of sites and things would just raise "flags" to him, even though they would prove the point. An example is the Escapethewatchtower.com. That would be excellent for showing the whole UN thing, but the name of the site would make him say "That has got to be Apostate, and I will not go there."
Just the fact that we are friends shows me he is not completely braindead to them. Do any of you have suggestions on threads or sites that I can send him to that won't scare the pants off him just by their names? I would like him to see what he is doing to his wife and family. I belive they have only been in about 4 years. Hopefully, it is not too late.
Also, since we have just started talking again, how long should I wait before I try to get him to look at these things? And how to I approach the subject? Or, should I just be his friend and leave religion out of it?
Thanks, all.