G'day all,
How's this weekend going for you? Seen Sky morning news, had the bacon and eggs for breakfast? Sounds good, eh? Here downunder it's already Sunday evening and we're waiting to hear the soccer results from the end of the Premier League season. Yep, there's plenty of soccer followers down in Oz!
Like many others who have families emotionally abused by the borg, we too have had our heartache this weekend, so I guess we're just about ready for some reminiscing!!!! So, let's go polling.
This weekend's poll question is:
How can you identify the elders at your Kingdom Hall?
1. They wear Elder Smith name tags.
2. They're the tallest men at the Hall.
3. They're the ones wearing suit coats in 100 degree heat.
4. They're the ones talking together in a group.
5. They're the ones with big briefcases.
6. They give really "spiritual" meeting comments.
7. Their Watchtower Study comments are small lectures.
8. They're the only ones allowed to talk "off topic" in their Watchtower comments.
9. They give most of the comments.
10. They give the least comments.
11. They're the last to leave the Kingdom Hall.
12. Their wives look the most bored.
13. They all wear dark blue suits.
14. They're the ones who don't say Hello!
15. Other (please detail)
We're looking forward to reading your responses.
Oh, BTW, next weekend's poll is our fiftieth! So, to mark the occasion we have a light-hearted one planned on something you'll all relate to. See ya then. Enjoy your week.
Cheers, Ozzie