Not much choice for most JW youth about baptism. Any normal 12-year-old who asks obvious questions about Watchtower is liable to get grounded or sent to bed without dinner...or worse. (like "Where in the bible does it say that!?, or "Why do we have to contribute money if the governing body can predict the future? Don't they know what stocks will double this year? How is it elders are disfellowshiped when they are appointed by the holy spirit?) It is just easier for JW kids to keep their heads down, shut up, and get baptized.
Assembly with the branch representative
by LaFrancia 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Thanks for the post La Francia!
From what I hear, the yang wans are still getting baptized, but not staying in. A significant percentage leave later between 18-21. Apparently the pressure for born-ins to get baptized is increasing as fewer 'converts' are made.