The May 8, 1956 Awake had the article entitled,"Mother and Father Worship Unscriptural". It states:"Nowhere in the Bible do we find that parents are to be worshipped, or that there should be a Father's Day and a Mother's Day kept in their honor. Worship belongs exclusively to Jehovah God, as He himself says:' I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion'. .....The month of May of Mother's Day is understood to be named after Maia, a demon worshipped by the pagans. Her name marks her as the "fruitful mother"....Maia became Zeus the mother of the god Hermes.".......Christendom today makes much over Father's and Mother's Day, but the greatest of all fathers and the greatest of all mothers are not universally worshipped in her domain. Jehovah God is the Father of those that live and His "woman" is his organization. She is the mother of those that recieve life from God.......On the face of it the arrangement of Mother's Day or Father's Day seems harmless and calculated to do good. But the people are in ignorance of Satan's subtle hand in the matter......The woman that dishonors God is not a good woman, regardless of how many children she may bear; whereas some of her children may be faithful servants of Jehovah. The good mother is the one that serves and honors Jehovah and teaches her children to do likewise, and who renders her proper motherly duties in the home. Real men have great respect and great love for such mothers, but their worship they give to Jehovah God. The same can be said for good fathers."
Celebrating Mother's And Father's Day Is Unscriptural! You Gotta READ This!
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
where IS that barf bag?
Jehovah God is the Father of those that live and His "woman" is his organization. She is the mother of those that recieve life from God.
Talk about not worshiping anone other than God. They have taken an org an forced people to worhip it above God
The woman that dishonors God is not a good woman, regardless of how many children she may bear;
The organization that dishonors God is not a good organization, regardless of how many
children she may bearfollowers she may have Too bad they don't know that showing appreciation for someone and all they do is not a form of worship. But they they have most other things wrong too. And claim worship for their "mother" the Borg -
They make me sick
I've been reading a lot of F.W. Franz's writing lately and I've come to the conclusion that he really disliked women and thought the female gender was good for one thing, especially, and that is to take care of the man and do what he says.
HONOR YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER. A command of God.Scriptural!
The Governing Body started out as faithful slaves of Jesus' 'brothers'. Now their God's wife-like organization. Passed over Jesus. Now their his Step-mother. Many old timers called the headquarters in Brooklyn 'mother'. They want the worship of the Duds. They want it all, forget your mother, father, children and friends, honor them....and God too of course! Maverick
So, anytime we send a Thank You card to anyone, is that worship too? These cards are an acknowledgement to our parents for all they do, and all the times they have put themselves last in the interests of their children.
I am not worshiping my mother!!!! Who the hell says that???????? I am just saying thank you for being a wonderful Mother!!!
WTBTS.... land of the idiots.
WELL TOO BAD!!!!!!!!
Of course one does not need a specific day to thank your parents for being wonderful. My personal view, unaffected by any doctrine, is that I've seen too many people send cards on 'special' days out of a sense of perfunctory duty when they often don't give a toss the rest of the time, so say how you feel whenever you feel like it, but if you require a set date to focus your mind, so be it.