55 Year Cycle shows up in March 2024 Watchtower

by was a new boy 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ThomasMore

    It is typical of false prophets to steer away from the evidence of their false predictions. In the modern digital age, WTC has lost control of hiding their lies, miscalculations and deceptions.

    Even redacting what is available online has been inadequate due to printed publications. THEY ARE CAUGHT IN THEIR OWN TRAP!

    You would think that they would learn but they have not. Their apologists admonish others to look the other way but the cat is long since out of the bag and all the furniture in the house is trashed (cat owners know what this means).

  • ScenicViewer

    Rattigan350 said: "The writer is long dead."

    It doesn't matter since the writer was expressing the ideas of an organization, a dishonest religious organization, that had taught similar dishonesties long before 1969, and has done so since.

    Rattigan350 said: "So what is the point of beating a dead horse on and on?"

    It's not a dead horse at all because the Watchtower Organization continues to preach on and on about how armageddon and the end of the world are 'oh so close, it's just around the corner, could be any day now.'

    Rattigan350 said: "That writer is not currently writing for the WTS."

    This doesn't matter either, since the WTS continues to publish the same nonsense using different writers - although they are a little less specific now, which leaves more room for deniability when it will be needed later.

    Rattigan350 said: "Please stop talking about the 1969 Awake article."

    Of course the Watchtower Organization would love that, because the 1969 Awake article proves that the biggest enemy of Jehovah's Witnesses today is their own literature.

    Ding said: "Also, the people who wrote the Bible have been dead for nearly 2000 years. Should we ignore that also?"

    Thumbs up to that, Ding!!!

  • LongHairGal


    You are so correct in your reply to Rattigan. The Bible writers have also been long dead but what they wrote has touched countless people.

    This is probably why the JW religion trashed old books, etc. because they don’t want anybody beating any of those dead horses! Especially when they caused so much damage.

    Any JWs who acted on this teaching back in 1969 are senior citizens suffering this very day! ..It certainly doesn’t mean anything now that they got invited to special dinners and gatherings back then!!! ..What is particularly hurtful now is that the hourly time reporting fhey all knocked themselves out for has been discarded!!! I would feel positively ILL…

    I'm grateful I wasn’t in the religion yet and wasn’t exposed to this harmful advice. And it is well worth it now that I got criticized because I held onto the job they all hated me for!

  • Biahi

    I was 10 In 1969, I felt absolutely doomed. I just KNEW that I would die because I hated being a JW, but I thought it was the truth. Wonderful for my mental health. 🙄

  • GrreatTeacher

    Biahi, that just makes me so sad for you and for other little children.

    To feel that kind of existential dread at 10 years old.

    So cruel.

  • Biahi

    Thank you, Great Teacher. Yes, I suffered quite a bit, as a child. Nightmares, sleepwalking, hives, (which the Dr. said after allergy testing, was just nerves), panic attacks, etc This is why I think Watchtower owes me 5 million dollars.

  • NotFormer

    Millions now dead were alive when that article promised that they wouldn't die before the end.

    The organisation that wrote that article is very much alive. Never forget.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The Borg has shown that over time they can give out enough rope. And they end up hanging themselves with it.

    Obvious,,man made.

  • GrreatTeacher

    I remember being terrified of thunderstorms as a kid. I was just sure it was Jehovah finally unleashing his wrath and the beginning of Armageddon.

    I still don't like them much. My husband loves to sit on the porch and watch them. I don't join him.

  • fastJehu


    "We will also increase our joy if we prayerfully and diligently study God’s spirit-inspired Word and Christian publications prepared under the spirit’s guidance." w92 15. 3. p. 22 § 16

    The org always says, that all the publications NOT from man - they are coming from god. Otherwise we don't would follow this words in the orgs writings.

    So the only defense from the org is, that the old publications are "old light".

    And we all know, that this old/new light is also "b u l l s h i t".

    This awake article shows us, that we can't trust the orgs publications and that there publications are man-made lies.

    We can't stop showing this the hole world.

    (by the way - I was 9 years old and a born in in the year 1969)

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