Reddit thread: ‘This Cult is Dying and it Brings Me Joy’

by LongHairGal 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal

    This is an excellent thread to read that I saw yesterday and the poster hits the nail on the head and tells it so well. He is really knocking PIMI Witnesses and has a lot of well deserved criticisms about them.. He says he hopes at this point that they never wake up…

    I am inclined to feel the same. These are the die-hard people really responsible for all the unchristian and unforgivable attitudes in the congregation. They all thought they were hot sh#t.. Such smugness and arrogance and they all thought they would be walking into the ‘new system’ hand in hand. Never thought they’d reach senior years in ‘this system’ and all the hardship that entails. Now they are upset and maybe a little bitter.. Most are not happy about the changes to the religion.

    Well, I wish Happy Holiday Greetings to all these die-hard Witnesses.. Boy am I Glad I got Out!!

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous
    People have been saying that for literally a century, yet they keep adapting. They have found themselves a niche between a death cult (few people are actually drinking kool-aid) and a new age religion. They are a parasite living off the fear provided by mainstream media.
  • liam

    60s, 70s and 80s.

    That is the age of JWs that are still in, and can't or don't want to wake up.

    Because they've given all their life to serve the 10 or more old white men in NY that they've never met. 70-80-90 plus years down the drain and they will never get them back Many of these fellows let their wives die instead of saving them with a blood transfusion. As well as children and husbands who needed one.

    There is a few old jws in their 90s that have woken up and posted their experience on reddit, but it's only two or three and they are devastated. One just wanted to commit suicide. Never heard from him again So I think it's better for those jws to never wake up.

    And me personally I blame the Bible more than the Watchtower. That book has cause so many deaths through out two millenniums. The Catholic inquisitions cause more harm than the Watchtower because they tortured people who wouldn't accept their "Biblical interpretations for hundreds of years.

    The Crusades cause so many deaths of innocent men, women and children.

    All religions today are in a competitive race to see who can accumulate the most property with the donations of it's members.

    If I believed in the Devil, the bible would be his main book to mislead humanity.

    discarding images - devil bearing Jesus (Matthew 4:8 'the devil taketh ...

  • Ugot2bekiddingme1

    I see those "Judgemental, Self-righteous, arrogant ones who Judge me for walking out of "The Truth" still stick in the cult and just have to laugh.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Many are 'stuck' in the cult because they have no choice...

    All their families,, bulk of their friends & maybe their jobs & livelihoods depends on it too..

    Those are the ones I feel truly sorry for.

  • Phizzy

    Agreed Beth, to a degree, but with some it is merely fear of the unknown that is the main reason they stay. I was in exactly the position you describe, when I walked away most of my friends, family and contacts were J.W's, I relied on them for business, also my wife had been in from birth, and I did not know if I would lose her !

    But, it is so much a part of me to be a Lover of Truth that when I learned that far from being "the truth" the J.W religion is The Big Fat Lie I simply had to leave cold turkey, I could no longer be a part of that without sacrificing every shred of personal integrity, and denying who I really was !

    I took my chances, of course the J.W's cut off all contact, I lost business, and my J.W family became "distant", a sort of mild shunning. My darling wife it turned out was happy to leave, she hated "Field Service" and the Meetings, apart from the socialising after.

    Within a few weeks she told me she was an Atheist now too. I survived financially, made contact with my ex-JW and never J.W family, with whom I am now very close, and I made closer ties with friends I had who had never been J.W's. Those friends are wonderful, they have helped me through tough times, and their evident love is unconditional.

    So PIMI's should have no fear of leaving, if they are Lovers of Truth, and have personal Integrity, but how many actually do now ?

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    “They are a parasite living off the fear provided by mainstream media.”

    Good connection. The same ultimate enemy that gives you the fear problem, offers you their “solution”.

    By contrast, Jesus said over and over to “fear not”. I think that fear is at the root of most mental problems. And, JW’s live under crushing fear.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Let's review: "It's a Cult!"

  • blondie

    Definition of a cult BITE MODEL by Steven Hassan

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Yes. Yeah. Many feel tied to the Borg because of fear of the "" unknown" as you say.

    Thats it. They dont know what life is like there,,, out there.

    You just learn as you go. Being neighborly & personable to people.

    Not everyone out there is going to like you either,,, just as in the Borg. Not everyone is going to like you in there either

    Just go along with people. Just go along your daily business as everyone goes along theirs. It isnt that bad.

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