Here is a brother who really thinks that Elders are there to help him after admitting that he cheated on his wife. His conscience is bothering him to the point of letting Elders know all the details of his affair. ( His affair should have been private, between himself and his wife )
Little does he realize that these Elders are really "company men" who act as human agents for the Watchtower organization. Elders act only in the best interests of the Watchtower Society
Elders pay attention to hairstyles, dress codes, conduct, members who are not loyal to the company, members who are not actively supporting the policies, and who those are not reaching established goals within the corporation ( field service hours, meeting attendance, preparing/giving talks, and answering at meetings).
Elders follow the Watchtower Society's guidelines set forth in the exclusive manual for elders, entitled: "Shepherd the Flock of God".Just like corporations have human resources to handle all company matters, Elders are the ''human resource'' workers of the Watchtower corporation!