Kingdom Hall Scheduler
by Thetruthhurts 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm sure there's already topics on this but I couldn't find one so I'm starting my own. Is the Kingdom Hall Scheduling program new? Is this where they are entering all of the members data now? My husband is jw and they are asking for our cell phone carrier because apparently they need it in order for the program to send text updates about assignments. I'm sure this is true, but I want to be as informed as I can about the program so I can make sure I know what I'm talking about when I bring this up to the hubby. -
This is an interesting question. I received an email from an elder asking for my carrier. It listed 21 carrier options. I thought it was innocent but now maybe there's more to it!? This is the message:
'I can text you congregation announcements and assignments if you let me know what carrier you use.'
If anyone has information on this, I would be interested in knowing if it's a way to harvest information. I answered the email telling what carrier I use and haven't got any response yet.
I smell a rat. I'd think that your phone number is all they need to send texts. I supect somebody is cooking a tell with a carrier, unless there's something about mass texts I don't understand.
Cell phone carrier?
No one needs to know that. Something fishy there.
No, that doesn't sound right. Anyway, a phone number is all that is needed for texts to be sent out. Who they have their phone service through doesn't come into play at all. Unless one of the elders is trying to get as many people to switch over to a particular carrier as part of some sort of business or pyramid scheme he may be involved in.
Sounds odd. What does your carrier have to do with got a number and a connection...that's it. None of their business who you pay for said connection.
JW GoneBad
Just tell that snoopy knucklehead elder you're in the middle of switching carriers but that the number will remain the same, then ask:..."and by the way why do you need that information in the first place?'
Maybe 10 years ago could make sense... As there were special offer if you send message to the same carrier like yourself.... But now they give you 1000 text for free for everyone at monthly base... And we are talking at single level
So far I didn't heard here... Maybe we are talking only in a specific country now? States I guess?....
If I send a message to a phone via email not by cell phone I generally need the carrier's URL behind the phone number. I can't, at least with my email program, just input a phone number and have the email go through to the cell as a text. i.e. to message from my email program to 212-555-1212 I would need to input the address as [email protected]
If all the scheduling were routed through the Society, is it possible they would get some sort of discount or advantage through the different carriers because of the numbers of people involved (sort of like how they get perks from the hotels when they arrange hotels for conventions)?
I don't know enough about how phone service works, so I am just guessing at possibilities. An elder sent me an email asking for my carrier also (USA). It seemed a little odd, but I saw no harm in it.