One must discover why someone allows themselves to be controlled before they can be freed.
People cannot be controlled without their permission
by joelbear 20 Replies latest jw friends
Not quite so simple, joel.
Family members have a lot to do with it. If your family are dubs, you find this affects your dealings with the borg.
One must recognise being controlled, discover the reason why you allow someone to have control over you, and act accordingly.
I actually agree. I tend to let people control me, or so I found out recently, not just the Borg, also others. And YUK was my reaction for my own submittance. Recognise the control, recognise why, and dare say 'NO'.
Once you begin saying "NO" to potential victimizers, they actually (in many cases) will begin to respect you because you have begun to respect yourself. Then they will move on to an easier target.
Everyone must face down victimizers/controllers. This is not just a factor of having grown up in a high-control religion. And everyone has the choice to say no and take back (or keep) their life and their freedom.
I tend to let people control me, or so I found out recently, not just the Borg, also others.
Recognise the control, recognise why, and dare say 'NO'.
Unless you like it ofcourse
One must recognise being controlled, discover the reason why you allow someone to have control over you, and act accordingly.
i couldnt agree with you more viv.
this rule should also apply to beinging involved with a group like the JWs.
scuse me? The Watchtower hardly knocked on the door and kindly asked permission to control our minds. Study subtle mind control and get back to me.
I do agree we are all responsible for allowing the control to continue, but no one gave permission for the abuse of trust and manipulation of niave people.
Brummie-- I agree but disagree....
No they didnt ask for someone to come to their door (or maybe they did...prayer etc) but lots of times I think dubs are people that like everything all wrapped up in a pretty box and explained to them. they don't want to do the research themselves and sometimes its just easier to go with something already arranged than doing the hard work themselves. Just a thought.....I think the children raised in it are the ones I have trouble saying they gave permission...but they also want to desperately please their parents so that is one form or control that is chosen weather it be consciously or subconsciously.
good thread.
True. Controlers/scammers are responding to/preying on our own secret (we think) needs. We subconsciously ask for affection, affirmation, some one to take charge, ego boosting, protection, etc. When we become our own boosters, protectors, etc, scammers have less chance. The key is knowing ourselves, getting out of denial.
Subtle or not, (and how subtle is Armageddon), the fact remains people allow themselves to be brought in and subjugated to a cult. For example, I love my parents, but I will never see them as innocent victims of a cult who made certain my brothers and sisters all wound up with emotional problems, screwed up personalities and poor educations. They made the decision to let the Society take over their better judgement. They chose to ignore the warning signs. I have no pity for that fact.
It's their fault as much as it is anyone in Brooklyn. And its up to us to undo the damage on our own.