I take it that the "worse consequence of sin", as per your defense, would be perpetual, conscient nihl.
You say, then, that the consequence of the metaphorical original sin is god not stopping the soul from falling into a default state of perpetual nihl. "Salvation", then, is god actively rescueing the soul from nihl, while "doom" is god denying the soul such intervention. Is this your belief?
Lets leave aside the discussion about the existence of a "soul" and for the sake of discussion, assume that it simply exists. Let's also forget for a moment that none of what you describe as being your christian belief is backed by the Bible or by the teachings of Jesus or the apostles - it actually goes against much of it.
You said that god gives each man a soul at the moment of conception. That makes god the causing agent of that soul, not the physical parents. God isn't bound by any law according to which he must abide to give a soul to every fertilized human egg. He has a choice to give it or not give a soul. By causing a soul to exist, god is taking responsability for such soul. If god is the causing agent of the existence of that soul, it is entirely god's responsability that such soul is made to pay for the original sin. Because, you know, he chose to create that soul. If, because of the original sin, that human is born defective, or dies in a horrific tsunami, it is entirely god's will. Because an almighty god could a) decided to not give that human a soul; b) have crated a world where tsunamis didn't exist, because they're entirely not needed for life to exist; c) have created a world where humans would be miraculously protected from natural disasters and genetic defects.
And finally, after injustly subjecting millions of human beings to needless suffering during their physical life, god decides, after a few years, to resign from responsability towards the soul he created by doing nothing to stop that soul from falling into a perpetual state of sentient nihil.
I wonder - is this a god worth believing and worshipping?