This is What I Would Need in Order to Believe

by cofty 496 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty
    The opneing post seems to demand a number of specific things from God in order for us to believe in him:

    It does no such thing. I demand absolutely nothing.

    Your reading comprehension skills are either very bad or you are just wilfully misrepresenting everything I say - yet again.

  • cofty

    Fisherman - your bible knowledge is woeful.

  • slimboyfat

    "This is what I would need in order to believe"


    "demand a number of specific things in order for us to believe in God"

    *Scatches head wondering what the difference is*

    You are heavy on rhetoric, accusations and insults, but very light on actual responses.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    What about the extraordinary things that do exist in this world? What about consciousness and the appearance of beings who can contemplate their origin and fate? What about the very fact that anything exists at all? Are not these things miraculous? - no.

    Miraculous things are phenomena which are not explicable by natural or scientific laws.

    Jesus supposedly turning water into wine = miraculous event.

    Lightening striking at the exact time and location that someone says it will strike = unlikely event/coincidence.

    Beings who contemplate their origin and fate = fascinating rarity or anomaly within the Animal Kingdom.

  • slimboyfat

    I am not sold on the miraculous/natural distinction.

    After all what may have seemed "miraculous" may have a "natural" explanation as a result of advances in technology.

    Talking to someone in another country would have seemed miraculous centuries ago.

    The things God is said to have done may seem similarly miraculous, yet have natural explanations we are not aware of.

    In fact the one thing I would truly reserve the term "miraculous" for, as perhaps undeconstrucable, is the very fact of existence itself. Since what natural law could be invoked as explanation for the existence of everything, including the laws of nature themselves?

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman - your bible knowledge is woeful.

    Compared to what?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    In fact the one thing I would truly reserve the term "miraculous" for, as perhaps undeconstrucable, is the very fact of existence itself. Since what natural law could be invoked as explanation for the existence of everything, including the laws of nature themselves? -

    Existence is the sum total of all of life's events and processes that are explicable by natural/scientific laws and obey those laws, hence existence itself shouldn't be described as 'miraculous' ...

  • slimboyfat

    Why does anything exist at all? That's the central mystery/miraculous core.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Why does anything exist at all? - this is a great question, one which has puzzled the finest minds.

    I'm ok with existence being labelled a mystery, but not miraculous.

    Wondering why anything exists at all is still within natural/scientific laws!

  • JW_Rogue

    If God does exist he has not revealed himself to man or perhaps he has but man is stupid to see the true nature of God all around us. If God is all powerful then the world around us is exactly the way he wants it to be. Saying that God is one way and yet his creation points in a totally different direction just doesn't make sense. So, the myth is extended with the villain character, Satan, who ruins the world around us with sin and imperfection. Who for some reason God couldn't simply destroy from the outset.

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