I think this is incredibly cynical: having goaded Ukraine into war with Russia,
sbf, I think if Russia invaded your country, it would be goaded into war too. really? remember September, 1939 Russia invaded Poland, at the start of WW2. That conquered land has still not been returned. (England should have declared war on all the invaders at the time, and we would not be in that threat to the planet today)
During WWII here in England the women did not run overseas, they stayed and helped the country.
SGoE: yeah, but the good ladies of England were not threatened with the kinds of atrocities that happened in eastern Europe and are still happening. (compare the 1940 fall France, Paris and 1945 Berlin.Dresden)
Hitler too had given orders to summarily execute any woman POW soldiers of the Soviet forces. so I highly recommend any females to flee from eastern combat zones. that is why my twin Gorbachev, who lived through it, wanted peace at any price.