Anybody Else Gotten any Hate Mail Lately?

by thinkers wife 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Got some hate mail in my email this morning from [email protected]. Just curious if anyone else received any too!

  • stephenw20

    yep ..count me in......

  • COMF

    Apparently I don't rate like some people do. I don't get any hate mail. So what am I, chopped liver? I'm as deserving of hate mail as the next person!


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Same person?
    I like you too much or I would oblige and send you some.

  • logical

    I never get hate mail.

    Which is very surprising considering everyone hates me and is out to get me.

  • mommy

    Hey Tw,
    I got an email from him, but not hateful. He is active and needs some extra time in this month. He requested my ICQ number so he can converse with me.

  • LovesDubs

    Oh Log, dont be so paranoid. Just because you THINK everybody is out to get you and hates you doesnt mean they arent.

  • Prisca

    Oh, LovesDubs don't lie to the boy - of course we all hate Logical..... it's part of the script, didn't you read page 9?

  • jschwehm

    I got some hate mail the other day too. But it was from the guy you are talking about.

    Jeff S.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Mommie gets hate mail pretty often. Most times it's from what our pal Gary Busselman calls 'believing walkaways' and 'believing castaways' who have been out a long time, or who were never entirely in. To use a rude phrase from my kids, they're 'clingons' or, even more rudely, 'dingleberries on Mommy WT's butt'. They read my articles about kid abuse and it seems to set off their latent rabies. they aren't walking the JW walk but it irks them that someone calls it a Crooked and Silly Walk. they want to believe there is A truth, even if they aren't living it. They often imply that Mommie is somehow profiting from her online writing, and therefore somehow suspect. (I freekin wish!!!)

    I always answer neutrally at first, offering information, explaining simply. They almost always escalate the stakes in their replies, insulting, insinuating some hideous evil in my heart, trying to kill or at least denigrate the messenger. I reply in kind. If they get really rude, I enjoy filleting and gutting their nasty selves. It's one perq in a usually unrewarding job.

    OTOH, I get much more positive email than negative, thanking me for telling the truth about the cult. For every hate mail I receive, there are ten decent honest souls earnestly looking for a way out of the painful cultic trap they're in. I try to help them find the best resources for their situation. I try to direct them to others who are better qualified to help them with specific problems (like finding legal help with child custody, finding therapists, or doctrinal material.)

    Be proud! If they send you hate mails, you've made them think about the cult. You never know what will stick in someone's mind to return as that cartoon lightbulb over their head someday.

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