LUHE, your thoughts on a B.Isles Cooperative Federation are exactly the same a mine, and I think it is something the U.K has been stumbling towards for many years, with devolved Government a reality, albeit not functioning in N.I at the moment.
As you rightly say, to let the Loyalists dictate what should happen is patently wrong, but "our" solution still leaves those in Northern Ireland who wish to see a united Ireland out in the cold.
I do think it could perhaps be achieved, but there will be tremendous emotions, and maybe some more or less valid objections to overcome. Sadly it could still even lead to bloodshed should feelings run too high.
There would be much to carefully consider.
As things are with the Brexit cock-up, or Con, whichever you prefer, I have never in my long life seen such an inept Government, or one quite so corrupt I think.
We need a change of Government, not just to sort Brexit, but the more pressing problems of Homelessness, an Education system in crisis, along with the N.H.S and the Police, and our Infrastructure which is crumbling.