Fear is used by politicians, marketeers, social scientists, military psy-ops tacticians and just about anyone who wants to manipulate or destabilize another.
To illustrate, look at this 1964 political ad by Pres. Johnson against Barry Goldwater:
1 John 4: 18 reads: There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
Living a life free from fear as an EX JW has been far more challenging than I thought it would be. I grew up on a steady diet of Armageddon images as most of us born-ins did. If you became a JW after age 13 or 14 don't even try to compare yourself to us born-ins. You have something to return to after you leave that we never had. A fear-free life. Us born-ins have only ever known intense, graphic fear from our earliest memories.
So what to do about it?
I believe the ultimate fear is fear of death..... and what may come after. Even if its nothing, that is something to fear because of the good things in life that you will miss.
Once the issue of death is dealt with, life takes on new meaning. I think we should spend more time thinking about death and less time worrying about it once we have come to terms with it.
JW's have never come to terms with their own pending demise. Their entire theology is built around "never dying". It's crazy. So many beliefs and philosophies deal with this very important question. But not the WT. They just wave their hand and proclaim Jesus' return any day now and millions now living will never die.
They are terrified of dying at Armageddon and are easy to manipulate because of that.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?