I breastbed both my kids; my son for 13 mo and daughter for 7. I would have done it longer but it just stopped; one nice thing was I didn't have to wean them. For me it was a wonderful bonding experience. Plus I didn't have go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to prepare the bottle; just bring them into bed with me, or the cuddle chair. It always amazes me how society condones women going nude in public (which is allowed in Canada) but get offended when a mother feeds her child in public. A pedophile (in BC) feels his rights are violated because he is arrested for having child pornography and a woman is criticized for breastfeeding. As long as it done discreetly (not whipped out for all to see) then I think a woman should be able to do it almost anywhere. My son was kind of noisy so I wouldn't have done it in a quiet place where it might have distracted some people.