Militant Breastfeeding ??!

by Xandria 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xandria

    I believe in breast feeding your child but not Militantly. But I can understand why some women have gone to the extreme measures in motherhood. The USA. is a bit backwards when it comes to parenting skills and programs to help parents. Sweden has the highest ranking for mothers and good programs.


    PS: Support for moms.

  • Loris

    OH shoot I thought that this thread was going to be about real militant breastfeeding.

    When baby number three was one week old I attended one of those eight day conventions. Remember those? Anyway, here I was with two small children and baby in the middle of a row at Dodger Stadium. Of course baby got fussy, I was too stressed to care. So I covered baby and ninny and sat where I was at. A brother behind me says to his wife, "Why is she covering that baby up like that. Its too hot under a blanket for a baby." His wife told him that I was nursing. He got all huffy and made some rude comments about how indecent that was. The next day I brought a quilt and we sat in the corridor up against a wall. It wasn't in the sun and I didn't insult anyone.

    I was told by a woman in a restaurant once that I should feed my baby in the restroom. Again, I had the offending baby and ninny covered. I told her that my baby would eat in the restroom when she does.

    Nursing a baby at the Kingdom Hall was a bathroom activity. I was not militant enough to go against the elders. I was impressed with an elders wife at one hall. They sat in the back row, she sat next to the wall and she nursed during the meetings with her husband's approval and support. That was awsome. In all my 37 years in, I never saw another mom nurse in the main hall.


  • Xandria


    I am glad you breast fed your children. No one has the right to tell you that is wrong. I cannot believe the negative mindset people have at times on this subject. You were being modest and covered yourself w/ a baby blanket. I mean goodness, how would he feel if he had to eat in a tent or in the dark all the time ? Outdoor dining has it's benefits.

    But on that same thought, no on should tell you how long you should breast feed either. My mother, trying to be a good JW wife breast fed the child until they were 5 years old ( except me, I was an exception due to illness.) Because my step father stated that all biblical women breastfed until the child was 5 years of age. Okayyy, now these were ancient times we are speaking about. Now days I would understand breast feeding until 2 years of age, not five.

    My mother would not get the proper food, and support. She had my sisters a year and five months apart from eachother. With my brother, she began loosing teeth due to the strain it put on her body. With out the proper nutrition that happens.

    So with anything there is a balance.


  • Pleasuredome

    and then there's militant reactionaries to breast feeding such as this:

    A Canadian woman was threatened with 24 hour detainment for “taking part in terrorist actions against a U.S. citizen in international airspace while on an American flight during a time of war”. Her crime? Explosives in her handbag? Nope - refusing to stop breast-feeding her 4-month-old baby, on a flight from Houston to Vancouver. The threat came after an American man on the plane felt assaulted by her “subversive” behaviour, and demanded that the woman be charged with assault and an act of war against an American (what a tit!). Luckily for the woman there were no laws against breastfeeding in Canada and she managed to walk free once the plane landed in Vancouver.

  • SheilaM

    wow, what an idiot I would have sued his ass. I'm amazed at this person he probably wouldn't have minded had she been lap dancing. If someone did this to my daughter I would kick their ass.

    As for my I nursed in the library, when asked to nurse in the bathroom I told them they were crazy

  • azaria

    I breastbed both my kids; my son for 13 mo and daughter for 7. I would have done it longer but it just stopped; one nice thing was I didn't have to wean them. For me it was a wonderful bonding experience. Plus I didn't have go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to prepare the bottle; just bring them into bed with me, or the cuddle chair. It always amazes me how society condones women going nude in public (which is allowed in Canada) but get offended when a mother feeds her child in public. A pedophile (in BC) feels his rights are violated because he is arrested for having child pornography and a woman is criticized for breastfeeding. As long as it done discreetly (not whipped out for all to see) then I think a woman should be able to do it almost anywhere. My son was kind of noisy so I wouldn't have done it in a quiet place where it might have distracted some people.

  • azaria


    I have to admit I didn't read the article before responding to it. Some people including a nurse said that you must put your child on a schedule right from the start (mind you that was almost 21 yrs ago) Thankfully I didn't listen to them. I fed my son whenever he wanted, and eventually it went really well.Because of complications I had a difficult time breastfeeding (I was in the hospital with an infection for 18 days) But I persevered. (I was stubborn) I thought, I was denied a natural birth (had c-section), I'm not going to be denied breastfeeding my baby. It was a struggle in the beginning but I did succeed. When he was 3 mo old he was a pretty chubby baby and the pediatrician said that everything was going really well. I don't always think it's a good idea, because you do have to make sure that the baby is getting the nutrition that he needs.

  • SheilaM

    If you continue on your prenatal vitamins and drink plenty of fluids plus eat yoy wil have good nutrition. Mel still eats like a horse, drinks water and juice no pop and she is as so friggin thin. She was going to wean Mak at 12 year but she is going to wean her by October.She will be nursing (her morning and night )or so she says.

    She has only had mastitise (?) but nursed Mak and the infection went away. Her Dr. told her not to nurse but she called La Leche League and Thank God they told her different.

    If you don't eat correctly though it will drain your system

  • Xandria

    I agree with you all about nursing and the bond it makes. Unfortunately society doesn't see it as a right or beautiful thing. Look at that (ass) on the airplane who was affronted because of the mother who was breast feeding. Perhaps he was jealous.. I don't know. But the poor child and mother! I would of definately kicked butt. I plan to breast feed too, if I have a child. My sister breast feeds.


  • donkey

    Not even Dolly Parton could feed a whole army.


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