Those who DO NOT get a resurrection?

by stuckinarut2 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    So we know that by JW logic, the idea is that everyone who dies is acquitted of their sin and will get a resurrection in the "new world"

    However, those directly destroyed by God, or at his command will not. (For example, those destroyed in the Flood. Or those destroyed in Sodom etc...)

    So what about the:

    -"firstborn sons of Egypt" who god destroyed at Moses time? Exodus 11:4-6, Exodus 12:29

    -"davids sons" 2samual 2:11

    -"davids son with Bathsheba" 2samual 12:13-14

    -children born to prostitutes" Hosea 2:4-5

    -child of jeroboam killed because of his "evilness" 1kings 14:9-12

    -"Hophni and Phineas killed because of the fathers actions" 1 Samuel 2:30-34

    -" 7 of saul's sons and grandsons killed to end a famine" 2 Samuel 21:4-14

    -"the wife of Lot" Genesis 19:26

    -"a child who curses their parents are to be put to death" exodus 21:17

    -"the 42 children killed by the she-bears at Elisha's time" 2kings 2:23-25

    So the list can go on and on, but if all these ones were killed DIRECTLY BY, or at the DIRECTION OF Jehovah, have they been judged unworthy of a ressurection?

    Feel free to add to the list! The best replies win a free pass into the new world!

  • ShirleyW
    (For example, those destroyed in the Flood. Or those destroyed in Sodom etc...)

    Never knew that before, or the rest of the list above wouldn't not have the hope of resurrection.

    I was a born-in so never did any studying, so i thought the only ones who wouldn't be resurrected were those who committed suicide.

  • Ding

    The WT has gone back and forth about 4 times on whether the people of Sodom will be resurrected.

    Instead of the light getting brighter and brighter, it seems to have gone off and on, like a strobe light...

    What about Hitler? Does the WT say he'll be resurrected? I would expect a JW to say, "I doubt it, but that's up to Jehovah. He'll do what's right."

  • talyzin-pavel
  • waton

    In the new world roll call, and if there is an inspection,

    and one is found to get no erection,

    he is of the resurrection.

    no r e s u r r e c t i o n. surr eal.

  • Diogenesister

    Well we didn't mention, specifically, all the babies, children and minors in the flood.

    The same during Armageddon "it's their parents fault, they should have answered the door on Saturday" doesn't cut the mustard.

    The children of the infamous Watchtower favourite KORAH!!

  • Fisherman


  • waton
    Guesses ?

    well we have resurrection stories, young boy of a widow, young girl by Jesus, Lazarus, and the carpenter himself,

    the knitting lady and the sleeper at meetings, so it is supposed to have already happened, why not again?

    wt's last resort, when the overlap lapses.

  • Chook

    Big Tonys Morris is going to hack Simons hard drive from heaven and those on the user list get transferred to the no resurrection list. Gehenna is for all our members here free of charge courtesy of the wt corp.

  • Fisherman
    well we have resurrection stories, young boy of a widow, young girl by Jesus, Lazarus, and the carpenter himself

    "Those who DO NOT get a resurrection."

    Again: Guesses

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