by WTDeserter 18 Replies latest social humour
Do you know who the smallest man in the Bible was?
Some think it was Kneehighamiah ..... but it was actually the Phillipian jailer....because he slept on his watch.
Wasn`t Moses told to come forth,but he came fifth so Jehovah rebuked him ?
Why does the name of the BSA motor Cycle remind you of the GB members of Jehovah`s Witnesses ?
Does Bull Shit Artists come to mind ?
if memory fails you, google 'bible jokes'
Slidin Fast
The old ones are the best ones.
Slidin Fast
Do you know who the smallest man in the Bible was?
Surely a contender is Nehi The Benjamite.
Jesus and his disciples had TV but he took the viewing privileges away from them after the transfiguration. Matthew 17:9 And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell (th)e vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.
I thought the shortest man in the Bible was Bildad the Shoe Height.
Slidin Fast
You could put them in ascending order.