Depression and big pharma drugs

by Anonymous666 14 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Anonymous666

    I'm going to drop a bomb shell here for all you who think you know something about depression. Most depression cases are being cause by the food and drug Administration. They are putting things in certain foods that they know will affect certain people especially those who have gluten problems. They also have drugs that causes depression that will get people to seek help to get them on more drugs till the drugs kill them off. These are non compliance people. Many of the JW are being targeted and are being soft killed. There secret weapon is lithium. They give the patients lithium and then when the time is right through cellular phone technology they send out a certain frequency through your cellular phone and the Lithium causes the person to be completely paralyzed and the EMS takes them away in the morning. I have seen more than half a dozen of these murders.

  • Balaamsass2

    Your Scientific credentials and research sources for your "bombshell" please.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Depression/ mental illness is often hereditary.

    Most of the people you see on the news doing crazy things are likely to have schizophrenia, or other issues. If you happen to be pre-disposed, taking drugs (usually marijuana), can trigger life-long schizophrenia. People with schizpophrenia start taking drugs , like ice, to stop hearing voices and it makes them worse. At that point, their life - and their family's life is pretty much f^%cked unless they can make huge changes.

  • LV101

    Anonymous666 - I think most of our food is unhealthy/toxic plus the ongoing chemtrail spraying is horrific -- quite decorative skies. Adele Davis documented decades ago the mental institutions were full of mentally-ill patients addicted to flour. Many nutritionists acknowledge white flour is poison and one researcher on Substack refers to it as 'crack' and a very dangerous substance plus makes people fat. Nothing new -- we've been reading about fattening, unhealthy, carbs, for years. Flour is only one poison. Apparently, rats in flour factories won't touch white flour. Oh my - the human, flour, addiction.

    The FDA is not the only factor for mental illness/depression but many are clueless the toxicity of our food supply. Just read how poisonous my 'organic' almonds, walnuts, cashews, from Whole Foods/Sprouts are -- I give up! US is one unhealthy nation. Can't be as toxic as the antibiotics from the oral surgeon -- never felt so weird in my life!

  • SydBarrett
    SydBarrett the ongoing chemtrail spraying is horrific -- quite decorative skies.

  • LV101

    Get the facts -- finally a president is addressing the issue.

  • NotFormer

    This is a new and unfamiliar game: if lithium carbonate is associated with the treatment of a mental disease, then metallic lithium (presumably alloyed with other metals) in electronics can be used to trigger some sort of EMT frying of a bipolar patient's nervous system. 😱🙄

    But the game is severely limited to one element. Why stop with lithium? Potassium can be quite dangerous in its elemental form and in potassium cyanide, it's quite deadly! Do we stop making biodiesel because potassium hydroxide is used in its manufacture?

    But seriously, the op is clearly having a lend, parodying how conspiracy theorists come to their conclusions.

  • blondie

    NotFormer, the lithium carbonate in medication is not the same as the lithuim in electronics. Lithium is the same element in both cases, but it is involved in different chemical compounds. In a lithium battery the lithium is part of lithium cobalt oxide, one lithium atom, one cobalt, and two oxygen. In the medication it is lithium carbonate, which is two lithium atoms, one carbon, and three oxygen. Atoms behave very differently when in different chemical compounds so while the atom is the same they are very different things.

  • no-zombie

    For those who are really interested (as compared to those who just like to repeat the anti-medication mantra) ... Lithium is only prescribed for those who have been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder (formerly called manic-depressive illness or manic depression). For the other kinds of depressive illnesses (like Major Depression) doctors prescribe SSRIs. Other people with anxiety based disorders, they have their own specific medications.

    On the topic of what causes these problems, the medical evidence clearly lays it out as a nature/nurture issue. Some have a genetic tendency to be susceptible depression (much like some do towards alcoholism), others do not. BUT under extreme circumstances, almost everybody can be driven into a state of very poor mental health when medical intervention is the only way recovery is possible.

    Praying, going to yoga classes, having magic crystals or thinking happy thoughts does not cure depression. You can try them if you like, but you'll only get worse ... no matter what you think.

  • NotFormer

    "the lithium carbonate in medication is not the same as the lithuim in electronics"

    I know that. That's why I said that. (Yes, in a very oblique way) Did my post really read like I was agreeing with the OP? I used words like "game" and "conspiracy theorists" to describe the theory and its proponents. And then gave an example (mentioning potassium) of why the "logic" of the original proposition is flawed.

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