Any reason for my mother and I not to go back, this is one of them.

by Truth and Justice 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice

    Hi Duran, We were born in to it. Then my parents and I decided that we did not want to be a part of this any longer due to their changing views and lack of love in the organization. The other 4 siblings stayed involved with it. My parents always felt that it was up to them (siblings) to decide their spirituality.

    My father had passed away over 5 years ago. And I know that that the society has made major changes in their policies, in which the last 2-3 years, my mother and I started getting calls from the children, never mind an apology for not talking with us for over 3 decades before that.

    So, what I can say now, is that the siblings, when they communicated in the last 2-3 years, there was a softening in their tone overall and I am glad that my mother was able to have calls and letters before her recent passing.

  • wantingtruth
  • LongHairGal


    Hearing all this makes me glad I was not born into the Witness religion and have no family there. How unnatural this all is to anybody outside! You also saw that ‘lack of love’ that I experienced.

    I came in as a young adult and had my hard knocks and criticism because I had to work and support myself.. But, this was merely a walk in the park compared to some JWs experience of being shunned by relatives! How awful.

    I ended up finally leaving the JW religion after their 1995 Generation teaching… No more nonsense for me! I was glad to reconnect with my non-JW relatives and rejoin the human race.

    If estranged JW relatives are reaching out you might want to be friendly but be careful because it might be about dragging you back into the religion.👎👎👎

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