Just a quick comic page I whipped up.
Out Witnessing
by NotFormer 22 Replies latest social humour
I like it
Thanks 🙏😺
The reference is to a book entitled "You can Live Forever on a Paradise Earth" (I think) A mate of mine told me that a JW neighbour of his referred to that book as "The Red Rocket". 🙄 Apparently they thought it was their finest work at the time. 🙄🙄🙄
Does anyone remember that book?
Not Former, I have my own original copy, and I snagged my mom’s copy, with a bunch of pieces of paper pasted over. To compare side by side. 😂
Maybe the JW`s should have offered the alien the Silver Sword and started a bible study with it.?
Maybe the alien would feel more at home with JW's than normal humans.
If the Alien cannot give money to the Watchtower Corporation(tm), then the Alien is of no use to them.
Unless the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses(tm) are interested in Alien child nastiness..........because I suspect the way the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses(tm) protect nonces, they may well be nonces themselves.
(Not sure if Americans use the term 'nonce').
I`m an aussie and I need to be enlightened about nonce?
Mum ,
Only if it`s a deviate.
It was a refressing book then, compared with the publications before. I remember that picture with the beautiful model swimming in a lake, since then I knew I had to find the best girl I could, and I did 😎
smiddy - I`m an aussie and I need to be enlightened about nonce?
Not On Normal Couirtyard Excersise = Prison slang for Paedo AKA Wrong 'un