We all know the scripture where Jesus says 'this generation will by no means pass away before the end will come'. The JW interpret this as the destruction of the Jewish state in Jerusalem by the Romans and the dispersal of the Jewish people. However, while researching the history of Judea, I come across various facts about the region.
So Jesus died about 30CE and his disciples were likewise well in their thirties or older, the 'generation' by definition would've lasted until ~50CE (the time during which children are born and raised to have children of their own). According to tradition, none of the apostles were present during the first Roman-Judean war, all of them are presumed dead before 73CE when Jerusalem fell. So we're talking about 40 years of a difference between the "prophecy", almost 2 generations and very few people that Jesus ever heard speak would still be alive (given life expectancy wasn't very high back then).
But that's not all, according to actual archeology, Jews were not dispersed which is what the WTBTS and most Christian tradition speaks about when they explain the prophecy. The Romans did damage and destroyed portions of the temple, but they left the population in Judea and the city of Jerusalem largely intact. It would take 100 years after Jesus spoke those words for the Jews to be taken captive at large during the 132–136 CE Bar Kokhba revolt. Jerusalem had continued to exist for all those years, the temple was destroyed but Jews still worshiped there. Only after Romans suffered severe losses in the third revolt did they finally force (aka genocide) the Jews nearly (but not fully) extinct in the region. At that time, they did wipe Judea from the map, quite literally, by changing the names on maps.
This later date also conforms with the actual Orthodox Jewish tradition of when 'they' accept that the Jews were finally dispersed and the prophecy was fulfilled.