Heaven - "...He had no comeback. Just the silence and deer-in-the-headlights look."
When you get that from one of the more obnoxious loyalists, you can't help but feel a certain satisfaction from it.
by Simple Minds 32 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Heaven - "...He had no comeback. Just the silence and deer-in-the-headlights look."
When you get that from one of the more obnoxious loyalists, you can't help but feel a certain satisfaction from it.
Lets be honest for a second,
To those that have been involved within this organization for many years . Is it really that surprising that the WTS heads would instruct elders to not give notice to these situations to the police being how much there is such an internal aggressive endeavor to uphold the image of the organization in view of the public's eye. ?
A true faithful servant of Jehovah should never bring reproach onto his chosen earthly organization.
When I heard of the thousands of cases of pedophilia and most of the those situations not being presented to local law authorities, I wasn't surprised one bit.
Percentage wise there might actually more of these situations within the JWS religion comparatively to the Catholic religion based from the cases per devoted members Catholic 1.2 billion , Jehovah's Witnesses 8 million.