Further Crisis looming for JW org re Safeguarding ?

by Phizzy 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Phizzy

    If you substitute J.W Org for C of E this really hits home : (From BBC news Site) :

    The Church of England risks further crisis if it fails to adopt a sweeping new independent system to keep people safe, the former head of a national inquiry into child sexual abuse has said. (Prof. Alexis Jay).

    "I think it's absolutely necessary because church safeguarding as it stands falls below the standards of secular organisations, and I do not think that can continue when it has also led to such serious weaknesses," she told the BBC.

  • jhine

    Mmmm as a member of the CofE l know that in recent years safeguarding has been taken very seriously.

    We are all being made aware of abuse in all forms - sexual, financial, emotional. Domestic violence and elder abuse.

    All churches have safeguarding officers and all members are encouraged to report anything that makes them feel uncomfortable .

    As a member of the PCC l have had to have specific training about awareness of something being " not right "

    There have been failures and in some cases even maybe a JW type of attitude of not bringing the church into disrepute . However lessons have been learnt

    Jan from Tam

  • BluesBrother

    It would be good if the WT could learn from some of the measures that Jan has described above… It is a case where they need to learn from “ The World”.

  • jhine

    I would be very interested to find out what other measures Prof Jay thinks need to be implemented.

    Jan from Tam

  • Earnest
    jhine : I would be very interested to find out what other measures Prof Jay thinks need to be implemented.

    The report and recommendations by Professor Jay can be read here.

    Professor Jay recommends (Future of Church Safeguarding, Section 10) :

    (a) that the church introduces mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse ahead of legislation (which is due this Spring);

    (b) that the church complies with statutory definitions of children and vulnerable people over the age of 18 when it come to safeguarding;

    (c) that the church uses guidance relating to emotional and psychological abuse pertaining to vulnerable adults and children rather than spiritual abuse in all guidance, training and in referring cases.

  • Touchofgrey

    Self policing should not be a option for members of the churches and other organisations, they failed to protect the victims and by not reporting to the proper authorities and covering the abuse and denying that they knew anything should disqualify them. Staying in a religion or organisation that covered up the abuse is almost like giving tacit support .one of the reasons I could no longer remain a jw when I was made aware of the Australian royal commission.

    Safeguarding officers should be truely independent and have no association with the organisations involved.

    Why not make these religions and organisations fund the safeguarding officers .

  • Phizzy

    We have all noted the obvious, but unexplainable reluctance of the Org. to adopt any measures that would actually work, we can all give good ideas as to why, and are probably right.

    In view of that reluctance, I don't see them adopting any measures until forced to by Law, and then they will not be adopted Organisation wide, but piecemeal, Country by Country. The CofE as Jan says above, have adopted a good number of measures, and I bet they apply to C of E Churches wherever they are. They are debating the idea of an Independent Body to assess their efforts.

    The VERY LAST thing the Org. will want, or will adopt, will be using such an Independent Body, and again will only do so if required by Law.

    They really are a disgusting lot, no love, concern or action to protect the Vulnerable, every protection for Paedophiles and other Abusers !

  • Earnest
    Phizzy : They [Church of England] are debating the idea of an Independent Body to assess their efforts.

    Yesterday (11 February) the Church of England General Synod had to choose between two models of safeguarding - the first involved creating an independent central safeguarding team for the Church - but with safeguarding officers continuing in their current roles; the second (recommended by Professor Jay) would also make the Church's safeguarding officers part of that independent body.

    The Synod voted (392 to 9, with 6 abstentions) for the first option, which Professor Jay described as "deeply disappointing" and "devastating for victims and survivors". A report on the vote can be read here.

    Phizzy : The CofE ... have adopted a good number of measures, and I bet they apply to C of E Churches wherever they are.
    Au contraire. In the report by Professor Jay, she noted (p.18) "that dioceses operate their safeguarding services very differently, and that the bishop can exert significant influence over local safeguarding."
  • jhine

    Earnest, it may be that different Diocese do things a bit differently, however from the top down it has been made clear that safeguarding needs to be taken seriously.

    Actually all this started well before the recent scandal . For many years DBS checks have been in place for anyone who may have access to children or vulnerable adults. Also those people have been required to take safeguarding courses which have to be kept up-to-date.

    Last week our Vicaress Claire had to go on a safeguarding course dealing with domestic abuse. Not just for physical violence but mental abuse , which can be harder to spot . She described it as harrowing.

    I don't know why the Synod voted how they did yesterday but l would like to know the reasons before commenting.

    We ain't perfect , but I'm not sure that any measures can be implemented to stop abuse from ever happening. We are trying and obviously our response to victims needed to change drastically .

    Jan from Tam

  • Phizzy

    Earnest when I said " I bet they apply to C of E Churches wherever they are." I meant anywhere in the World, not sure even if I'm right on that of course.

    from the BBC site again, about the Vote

    "On Tuesday the Synod, the Church of England's governing body, voted overwhelmingly for a less independent option which will see the creation of an independent central safeguarding team, but with local diocesan and cathedral safeguarding officers remaining with their current church employers.

    Dr Grenfell told the BBC: "On the one hand I'm really disappointed, as were many, that Synod missed the opportunity to send an unequivocal message to victims and survivors and the wider nation that we hear their pain and concerns.

    "On the other hand, what we did vote to get on with, an independent scrutiny body, is actually quite a big step forward in itself.

    "But we need to do that further work around operational independence, and I'm really committed to doing that."

    The Synod had been expected to vote on the fully-independent model proposed by Prof Alexis Jay, who previously chaired the national Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, and barrister Sarah Wilkinson.

    But following an amendment, the Prof Jay-backed model was not voted on at all, and an alternative was adopted."

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