You have no real refutation of Watchtower teaching. You quote scriptures without meaningful comments or application. What are you refuting? Exactly. I reject Witness teaching, and you would not have convinced me.
If you were one of my students, you'd get an F and I'd give you one chance to remedy the problems. Clearly state the doctrine you're refuting. Tell us how the verse you cite in refutation accomplishes your purpose. Do you know what the Watchtower says about those verses? Address their comments in advance.
Some of the verses you cite do not address your issues. New Witnesses may be scripturally illiterate, but older ones often know the Bible remarkably well. If you wish to convince them of anything, you must make your application of the verses clear. Even then, you chose verses that do not make your point. Example is how God views those 'outside the organization.' Witnesses use the verses you chose as a reason for their ministry. To them God is earnestly seeking those in need of his word. So your use of those verses returns a Witness to his default thought. "We preach because God loves the world of mankind; to bring salvation to them."
You cite a Watchtower claiming that it shows the Watchtower to teach that Russell and Rutherford are anointed prophets. The quotation does no such thing. This calls into question either your honesty or reading comprehension. Witnesses may be mistaken in some beliefs, but most of them are not stupid. They will notice your inability to apply a verse and your false claim. Simply quoting a scripture and in effect saying, 'there! see!' is not convincing. It is what a totally inexperienced person does. And it is never effective. Explain why you find the verse to support your opinion.
Also ... your work is boring as heck. It does not engage the mind. It's old ground, covered before to little effect. You should also note that Theology is not simply quoting scripture. Theology is the in-depth analysis of Bible doctrine and content. [I suggest you read Strong's Systematic Theology.]
Some Witnesses consult Bible translations other than their NWT, but most of them rely on the Watchtower's translation. Use it. It won't bite. And it puts you on their ground. If you want to use the American Standard Version, use the original. The Watchtower published it for years under license from Thomas Nelson. But Witnesses see the NASB as a step backward in translation, and they're not alone in seeing it that way.
Before you go forward [And I'm not trying to make you give up, only to do better], read a good guide to thesis writing. To refute Witnesses you must develop some intellectual tools. You must learn to write to a standard higher than the average Watchtower article. You aren't even close.