Any news about how it's going with the return too door 2 door preaching? Are the jws excited about it? Are they facing any opposition to it by householders? Mask wearing and such. Plus have numbers attending meetings gone up? Especially after letter from branch about people only wanted attend zoom.
Return door to door
by Hellothere 10 Replies latest jw experiences
I went to an Assembly Hall with my sons so they could see their cousin briefly (we left before the meeting started), and there were few people there and not much mingling, not like before. I asked my secular friends how they'd respond if called on and no one really cares, nor would they engage. -
road to nowhere
No way to know meeting attendees but zoom is down to fewer than 20 from 50 3 weeks ago and 30 last week.
Dtd came by to fill time complete with masks
The iron chariots that defeated Jehovah in Judges 1:19 have been replaced with a piece of plastic and a microprocessor.
The iron chariots that defeated Jehovah in Judges 1:19 have been replaced with a piece of plastic and a microprocessor.
Doesn't seem like they are eager to go D2D here (midwest US). The wife went to the KH one day last week and she and one teenage boy were the only ones to show up. She came right home to join the zoom group. This in a congregation with over twenty pioneers. -
I went to a thrift store yesterday, early afternoon and there were 3 sisters coming in as I was leaving. ( the youngest spoke to me ...her mother looked confused...I greeted them and ask how they were. and so got a reply One didn't say anything, but I had never known her anyway....they talked low while walking away-maybe about me!) so I digressed...Anyway, I am pretty sure, based upon hew the 3 were dressed, they had been out in "service"
They were in “Service”, not spreading a message of hope and salvation…
Service has rarely been about genuine love for people. When a person devotes their time to please men or just to measure up, it is unlikely that they will be able to convey any sincere love when they meet others that they look down on. It is an example of thrashing wildly without accomplishing anything.
It is unlikely that they will be able to convey any sincere love when they meet others that they look down on.
But they get indoctrination every week with their shadow publisher videos showing them exactly how to FAKE sincerity.
One exjw Reddit member mentioned that there were 9 jws sitting and standing around 1 cart! Info from this Redditor's either exjw friend/fam member that these SPIMIs and PPIMIs were not really happy to resume D2D and felt more comfortable preaching via the cart work instead. Plus, these were SPs and RPs/elduherrets, MSs and MSettes! Hmmm. . . . . . . . 🤨