Medical Supplies - Please Help Me Understand the Rationale About States Bidding Against Each Other

by RubaDub 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    They should have fired more people, all the agencies have been piss-poor, done nothing and given bad advice on what to do.

    You're trying to blame Trump for this virus outbreak by quoting inaccurate and misleading articles by anti-American propaganda factories, which shows how much TDS has affected your brain.

    The blame for the virus lies completely with China and the World Health Organization. Trump called for travel bans which would almost certainly have slowed the spread if not halted it, but some people (democrats) called that racist.

    While that was happening they were busy with their shampeachment.

    Q: do you now think that was a good idea? did that make the situation better or worse? do the people behind that have any responsibility for more attention not being paid to the start of the outbreak because people were pre-occupied with the non-story of the fake-impeachment? The media were part of letting us down by reporting on what they wanted to see, as activists, instead of what actually mattered.

  • RubaDub

    The blame for the virus lies completely with China and the World Health Organization.

    You are totally correct. It did start in China due to its primitive standards, if we can even use the word "standards."

    I see no value, however, in going back to January or early February when Trump, New York Mayor DeBlasio and various other Dems can be seen on TV downplaying it and saying this is not a big thing, we have this under control, etc. etc. etc. Neither side, nor anyone in the middle, wanted this to happen nor had any idea what this would create. Otherwise, we would have been wearing masks back in December.

    But this is a huge wake-up call to reduce what we buy from China, especially critical items. I don't see all of the manufacturing coming here which would not be feasible, but at least spread manufacturing over a number of countries. Putting all your eggs in one basket is never a good idea, even among friendly countries.

    For those who have 401k's, would you want most of your investments in just one corporation? I don't think so. There's a reason why financial managers create a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds and other financial instruments.

    The same goes for global resourcing of manufactured good and raw materials.

    Rub a Dub

  • frozen2018

    Since 9/11, New York in general and NYC in particular has spent billions and billions on disaster preparations. Every time these was a major event in the CIty (think New Years Eve in Times Square) the Mayor or Police Chief or Fire Chief or any other 2-bit politician that cared to would go on TV and when asked, "Are you prepared for the unthinkable tonight?" they would say, "NYC is the best prepared, best trained, best equipped city in the world to handle anything that comes." From natural disasters to terrorists, they were ready. Dirty bombs, suit-case bombs, biological attacks; they claimed they could handle it. Yet, within the first few days of COVID-19 showing up, the Governor and the Mayor were begging for help. What happened to all the claimed preparedness? Where did it all go? Did it ever exist in the first place?

    Oh, I forgot: Orange Man Bad...

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    In reality, a lot of parties are bidding. If you have a limited supply, then the companies selling can put it out in an auction through a procurement company (eg. Jaggaer). The government then puts in its bid for procurement against other governments, eg. China, EU and Federal US governments have more money than eg. Alabama, NY and CA have the most money out of all the states so they could bid against all other states and buy every last mask if they wanted (hint: they're not, they don't need nor want to)

    The states aren't bidding at all. The Federal government is buying up as the sole purchaser and putting a ton of PPE in reserves right now, there is no point for the states to bid if they can just get a handout from the Feds.

    As far as whose fault, everyone is going to keep blaming each other, in fact, Trump mentioned COVID-19 in his state of the union which Pelosi shredded because it was 'all false'.

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