How has 3 years of inflation affected WTC?

by ThomasMore 17 Replies latest social current

  • ThomasMore

    The current U.S. administration and the FED says inflation is hard to tame. It was over 9% at it's peak. One of the greatest increases is price of food, something that everyone feels to some extent. How has this affected WTC since they no longer grow their own food?

    Some individual posts from one branch reported that the Bethel family barely had enough food, which was addressed by an unscheduled zone visit. According to some posts on Reddit, B'Lites were working second jobs to bring food back to the facility, mostly ignored by overseers who also benefitted.

    Food purchase strategy by the Branch is unknown for the most part. Do they have a plan that addresses inflation?

    Auto leases have also been affected as interest rates are much higher. Historically, congs pick up these costs (by resolution) but are they still keeping up since the money grab that started around 2013?

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    You’d think they have enough money with all the stuff they have been collecting and not spending. Also, inflation compounds and is still at 4-5%, food inflation was higher than 9%, it went to 15% in one month, whereas overall inflation came to 30% in the past 3.5 years, food inflation has gone over 50% in the same time period.

    I thought these days they were using temporary workers that have to bring their own because of it.

  • ThomasMore

    It has to be taking a toll on their finances. The Bethel families have scaled somewhat but they still have more mouths to feed than what are needed for what they actually produce (which is very little these days).

    I know that Purchasing negotiated for food but I never heard that they were hedging to keep costs even over time.

    It’s not an exciting subject but I have to believe it is taking a bite out of their discretionary spending.

  • NotFormer

    They used to be able to afford 22,312* FDS. That had to drop down to just 9.

    *2023 memorial partakers.

  • ThomasMore

    Very good Notformer!! These days that date gets more expensive every year LOL!!!!

  • NotFormer

    It's worrying that they are having food shortages, if your sources are correct. The last thing that they need is a humanitarian crisis whereby their own free labour are starving. Do you foresee aid boxes being collected by the congregations from whom Bethelites came?

  • ThomasMore

    I can’t say but I am concerned about the many Bethelites who might find themselves desperate if WTC cuts them. Already many have been sent packing and the ones I know are having a difficult time getting by. Most don’t have even Social Security.

  • Vidiot

    Yeah, we need to be reminded that Bethelites who get kicked to the curb are not sitting pretty.

    Same reason PIMO “apostates” at WTHQ gotta be super-careful…

    …if they’re outed and shown the door, they’re also DFed, so there’s no safety-net back home unless they got “worldy” relatives they’re on good terms with.

    They’re basically homeless on the street.

  • Vidiot

    Kinda makes we wonder if the higher-ups deliberately select Bethel candidates based on how desperate their straits might be if they were dismissed…

    …i.e. the more dependent on the Org for a livelihood they are, more loyal and obedient they’d be, simply out of fear of being cut off.

    Which is, needless to say, highly unethical.

  • ThomasMore

    I knew some sad cases at Bethel who would have had no way to provide for themselves if asked to leave. They all were uber loyal to the extreme. Vidiot may have a point.

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