Please forgive the following rantings. Several months ago I lost my watch. It is somewhere in the house. I know this because each morning as I drink my coffee and ready myself for work the damn alarm on the watch goes off.
I find myself launching from my seat and scurrying about trynig to find out where the sound of the alarm in coming from. The beeping goes on for 20 seconds. 20 seconds though has proven to be an inadequate amount of time to find the damn thing.
I have gotten to the point that I try to ignore the alarm and go on with whatever I happen to be doing. Today I was reading posts and listening to Sheila study for her psych test. She heard the alarm and wanted to know what it was. She has never heard it before because it goes off before she gets out of bed. She asked why I did not try to find the watch. I explained that I have been looking for the past several months every morning and that I had given up on the thing. I know that I will find it the day after the damn batteries go dead and the alarm no longer beckons me from my morning rituals. I know it will be in the last place I look.
Would this drive you nuts? How many 20 second segments of your life would you waste looking for a $20.00 dollar watch? Have I lost all credibility? Did I ever have any?
Chalk it up as one of Thunder's Blunders. Few but funny.