So in the assembly they put in no use of medical drugs

by tottenkopf 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tottenkopf

    So watching the cults assembly video I am a bit confused about the whole girl asking about marijuana. Non medical use what exactly is that. What do they mean "Medical?" If its prescribed then its medical. And does it matter how its taken in as far as the cult goes?

  • rh3988
  • hoser

    I thought that was interesting as well. Jade used the cannibas to help with her anxiety. Sounds medical to me. I guess they want her to switch to high end scotch as that seems to be the only approved vice.

  • tresdecu

    Can someone tell me what 'session' / talk that is from ??? so curious, as I just ate a pot choc chip cookie for my "medical" reasons...prescribed by my "doctor" ;-)


  • WTWizard

    And yet, they approve things like Seroquel. Which is way more dangerous than weed. Not that I would want to abuse either one, and it is better to remove the source of the problem instead of using weed, even medical weed, to mask it. Vitamins help with that, and learning a foreign language (other than that curse on mankind called hebrew, of course) in your 50s might help prevent you from needing medical weed in your 70s.

    But, whose business is it besides those who use the stuff? No one. Yes, there are consequences for using weed. It will ruin your brain and your liver. Like all drugs, there are side effects (and some are serious). But, since I am not the one to suffer from these effects, it is none of my business if you smoke weed (if you toke and drive, however, as with drink driving, then it becomes my business because it affects the safety of everyone else).

    As weed is a drug, it is dangerous. But, not so dangerous as other heavily prescribed psychiatric drugs. Xanax, Prozac, Paxil, Seroquel--all are way more dangerous than weed. Yet, the washtowel, as judgmental as they are, permit these extremely dangerous poisons that ruin your soul worse than even weed. Obviously, they create many of the conditions requiring medical weed in the first place. Mandatory field circus and boasting session attendance, strict dress codes that are not even relaxed on Zoom, unnatural dating rules, strict rules on your choice of music, not taking vitamins that would help (such as with your immune system, with whatever coronavirus might be going around), and so on help ensure you to need drugs later on. And the less dangerous drugs are banned by the washtowel, ensuring people will need the worst of them.

    Sounds like the hydroxychloroquine ban. This takes this relatively safe drug (though it can still be dangerous if abused--it is about as safe as ibuprofen when correctly used) away, ensuring the more dangerous and expensive Remdesivir is "needed" which does virtually nothing. (Not to mention the even more dangerous DNA altering vaccine that they will be requiring, for a disease that a cheap and relatively safe drug--or a supplement like quercetin--would treat much more effectively. Ban these, and go straight to the more dangerous stuff--just like the washtowel banning medical weed so they can require more dangerous Seroquel.

  • LV101

    Wizard - what is "quercetin" for?

  • sir82

    JWs are allowed to take drugs (even things like opiods & marijuana) if they are prescribed by a doctor. This would be "medical" use of drugs.

    If they don't have a doctor's prescription but use these drugs anyway, that is "non-medical" or "recreational" use and that will get you DF'ed. Or, as in the case of the convention video, it will prevent you from "qualifying" to be an unbaptized publisher.

  • RubaDub

    JWs are allowed to take drugs (even things like opiods & marijuana) if they are prescribed by a doctor.

    @sir82 ...

    I know that is generally the policy.

    But it would be interesting to see how the Society responds to medical marijuana here in South Florida. Since it is now legal, there are ads in the local magazines to "get your marijuana card". You basically go to one of doctors listed, pay a little (as little as $75), tell them you have anxiety or something on the approved list, and walk out with your card, good for 6 months. It's just a scam.

    But then, technically, it was prescribed by a doctor!

  • lriddle80

    I am from Florida and I had to get a diagnosis from a psychiatrist which was $300 because I didn't have insurance at the time. Then the exam from the weed doctor was $199, plus the money to get the card itself was over $100. Then, you pay about $189 every 7 months to keep the prescription active and $75 a year to keep the card active. Plus the cartridges and weed is really expensive, too!

    But, I think it's worth it to do it the legal way.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Market share?

    In a tough harsh world, Christianity provides comfort. The poor tend to be treated the worst.

    Christianity keeps you facing reality and addressing problems. Misuse of drugs can be like putting your head in the sand and not facing reality and not learning problem solving skills.

    Christianity provides power, misuse of drugs weakens.

    If you want to push dope and be the most successful, you need to wipe out the competition. Christianity is one of your competitors. So you try to knock it out of the ring.

    Similarly if you have set up a false religion and want to be the most successful, dope (legal or illegal) is one of your competitiors, so you have to try to knock it out of the ring, along with Christianity.

    If you need people to lay miles of cable, put up scaffolding or drive diggers, they've got to be able to calculate. And you don't want them falling asleep or how can you indoctrinate them? Let alone drive them to work endlessly for you.

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