Height of mountains before and after the flood .

by smiddy3 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Overrated

    The Flood story always had me asking questions. Which led to more questions with my interest in science. The whole story doesn't make sense from science.

  • RickJones

    Sea Breeze says ......

    My Conclusion?

    Scientists who hold a Naturalistic worldview would have NO PROBLEM with the earth being covered entirely with water at one time if the bible and other early sources made no mention of it.

    Scientists apply the scientific method through observable evidence to establish facts.

    They are also aware and in acceptance of the human ignorance which the ancients endured, their knowledge of what they had and had to use to explain things which they saw and witnessed .

    ie. what they observed happening on earth was explained through the action of gods (supernatural agents)

  • JoenB75

    As the great Preterist J. S. Russell said: "The slightest attention to the language of Old Testament prophecy must convince any sober-minded man that it is not to be understood according to the letter. First of all, the utterances of the prophets are poetry; and, secondly, they are Oriental poetry. They may be called the hieroglyphic pictures representing historical events in highly metaphorical imagery. It is inevitable, therefore, that hyperbole, or that which to us appears such, should enter largely into the descriptions of the prophets. To the cold prosaic imagination of the West, the glowing and vivid style of the prophets of the East may seem turgid and extravagant; but there is always a substratum of reality underlying the figures and symbols, which, the more they are studies, commend themselves the more to the judgment of the reader. " It is really that simple

  • EverApostate

    I would not flood my home to kill the bed bugs. Seems I know better than Jah.

  • JoenB75


    They are not yours to kill. You dont know them, havent made them

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    @ Rick Jones

    Scientists apply the scientific method through observable evidence to establish facts.

    Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends on many factors like the peer reviewed article I linked to illustrates in the Public Library of Science.

    So, how do YOU deal with the fact that science determines that most of its findings are false?

    If true, then science is fatally flawed.

    If false, then it is also flawed because the "false" claim is itself a product of peer reviewed science.

    I see no reason to not to be skeptical of scientific findings.

    A friend once told me that he believes the scientific peer review process is the worst system we have except for all the rest. I thought that was pretty insightful.

  • waton

    peer review can be flawed because peers have axes to grind, the "not invented here" factor. but science itself is not flawed, because of the only temporarily true answers, but is great, because it gives rise to better questions. so: back to the OP:

    is mount Everest taller now than it was "before the deluge"? ? ? Yes: 20 meters estimated.

  • RickJones

    I see no reason to not to be skeptical of scientific findings.

    Its easy to be skeptical of information if you already established a biased against that information which you see quite often with coreligionists, one needs to honestly and deeply investigate all the of acquired information, for example the earth's geological evolution, to fully understand what has been discovered and accepted as fact..

    If one accepts that the ancients had little knowledge of the world in which they lived and we can identify their ignorance, would it not be more appropriate to be skeptical to what the ancients said or expressed inherently to themselves ?

  • jwleaks

    smiddy3 - I remember those days, but as I see it now the JWs made mountains out of mole hills.

    As group of desert dwellers in the Middle East, some 5,000 years ago, who worshipped a desert god that they themselves created, would have no concept of the Himalayan mountains and therefore would make no reference to them. The rest is history...

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Mount Everest was once under an ocean. Marine fossils are found there. A whale grave yard at its base (which is still at a great height from sea level) has been discovered. So, either the ocean fell or the land rose. Perhaps both happened.

    This is sedimentary rock, laid down while under an ocean. Trying to un-fold rock formations like this would fracture and pulverize the stone today. Yet, while still wet and before it hardened, rapid tectonic activity easily folded it into its current position.

    No way this happened over a long period of time.

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