I went to the link caligirl posted....
Here is a quote from someone's story, insert JW and Brooklyn to see similarities:
One thing that I have [not] figured out, is if the General Authorities know the church is false, why do they continue? Is it profit, or power?
I am very concerned about the Mormon church gaining more political power. The church "owns" parts of Idaho, Arizona and practically all of Utah. Utah also has a very powerful senator in Orin Hatch.
If a con-man, like Joe Smith, could get a small group of people to believe he was a true prophet and in 165 years have that grow to I think [10] million, how about a man with a small following around two thousand years ago gain a following like Jesus Christ has today.
Here is another woman's story:
I became interested in reading the book of Mormon. At that time, I had no idea how controlling and authoritarian those people could be. They told me I would not be able to understand the book by simply reading it, that they would like to 'visit me and explain the book to me'. Had they been vacuum salespeople, I suppose that would have been the proverbial foot in the door.
On the sixth lesson, the missionary boldly insisted that I 'set a date' for my baptism, and suggested the next Sunday. I told him I would have to think about it. He gave me one more week to think. Then they proceeded to call me every day of the week. I gave in, as they re-assured me that the content of the lessons was 'all that is needed for baptism'.
I was to soon find out that their theology was to be revealed in small installments, perhaps to make it digestible, and that all the priesthood holders believed they had authority over me.
I was absent from church on Sunday for two weeks, a few members called me saying they were 'concerned'. That is actually a code word. They were simply coercing me into coming to church. I was naive enough to think they were worried about my health and reassured them I was in good health. On the third Sunday, I was out of town. They called and left messages on my answering machine. I came back home very late and did not return any calls. The next day, three officials from the church came to my place of work, but visitors must state the reason for their visit and personal visitors are not allowed at my work place. By that evening, they had called one of my bosses because 'they were concerned'. I was furious, I had never known such maniacs.
Very much like JWs...