JW's and Mormons (**again!**)

by figureheaduk 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hooberus

    Many Mormons are nice people, however some of their teachings are unbiblical such as:

    God the Father

    God the Father was once just a man and not God.

    He became a God by obedience to laws and ordinances.

    God the Father still a man and is married.

    He lives near the star Kolob.

    He is only one of millions of Gods throught the universe.

    Worthy Mormon males can become Gods just like him.

    Jesus Christ

    In Mormon theology he is the spirit brother of Lucifer.

    He is the product of sexual intercourse between God the Father and Mary.

    His blood does not atone for all sins.

    I have studied Mormonism for years and have confirmed these doctrines by:

    • Their own publications which I have
    • Photocopies of complete older pages
    • Discussions with a dozen missionaries

    I have also called their missionary training center in Utah and have confirmed many of these things with them.

  • somebody

    Hi figureheaduk,

    I started resaerching cults a few years after leaving the JW sect back in the mid eighties. not so much their doctrine, but what "groups" were considered to be cults. At my local public library, Mormons and JWs were both listed as cults in every history/reference book I found, even the ones copyrighted back in the late 40s-early 50s. I only researched what were cults because of my fear of being sucked back into a cult. I hear it's very common for people to exit one cult, only to jump into another one. That is what I feared i would do, yet didn't know what church to attend, because at the same time, I wanted a place to go to serve God and have some christian fellowship.

    From what I've read of the Mormon sect, it is EXACTLY the same as far as using threats as a method of damage control. They have the same "stages" of punishment for disagreeing with leaders teachings such as being marked, publicly reproved, privately reproved, and disfellowshipped. They just use a few different terms for the punishments, but they are equal to the JWs terminolgy of such. They also consider anone who leaves because they might disagree with their teachings or rules to treat others by, as being wicked apostates from God, and are to be hated the same way the WBTS teach it's adherents to hate. And the same steps to prove what is in ones heart who wishes to go back to be reisnsted to the
    "love" of their "family". Also, they are encouraged not to independently think outside the group, as JWs are. And as someone said already, their origin came from to men who were masons and were the same type of dictators.

    Ther are PLENTY of ex Mormon discussion boards and pleny of support groups for those trying to exit the Mormon sect, just as the JW sect. There are the same horror stories about abused adherents being guilted into shutting up aboput it too. If you wish for some links, just let me know and I'll send some to you in your private message mail box.



  • teenyuck

    I went to the link caligirl posted....

    Here is a quote from someone's story, insert JW and Brooklyn to see similarities:

    One thing that I have [not] figured out, is if the General Authorities know the church is false, why do they continue? Is it profit, or power?

    I am very concerned about the Mormon church gaining more political power. The church "owns" parts of Idaho, Arizona and practically all of Utah. Utah also has a very powerful senator in Orin Hatch.

    If a con-man, like Joe Smith, could get a small group of people to believe he was a true prophet and in 165 years have that grow to I think [10] million, how about a man with a small following around two thousand years ago gain a following like Jesus Christ has today.

    Here is another woman's story:

    I became interested in reading the book of Mormon. At that time, I had no idea how controlling and authoritarian those people could be. They told me I would not be able to understand the book by simply reading it, that they would like to 'visit me and explain the book to me'. Had they been vacuum salespeople, I suppose that would have been the proverbial foot in the door.

    On the sixth lesson, the missionary boldly insisted that I 'set a date' for my baptism, and suggested the next Sunday. I told him I would have to think about it. He gave me one more week to think. Then they proceeded to call me every day of the week. I gave in, as they re-assured me that the content of the lessons was 'all that is needed for baptism'.

    I was to soon find out that their theology was to be revealed in small installments, perhaps to make it digestible, and that all the priesthood holders believed they had authority over me.

    I was absent from church on Sunday for two weeks, a few members called me saying they were 'concerned'. That is actually a code word. They were simply coercing me into coming to church. I was naive enough to think they were worried about my health and reassured them I was in good health. On the third Sunday, I was out of town. They called and left messages on my answering machine. I came back home very late and did not return any calls. The next day, three officials from the church came to my place of work, but visitors must state the reason for their visit and personal visitors are not allowed at my work place. By that evening, they had called one of my bosses because 'they were concerned'. I was furious, I had never known such maniacs.

    Very much like JWs...

  • Sangdigger

    Just a few other similarities that werent mentioned. I attended several of their "meetings" about 4 years ago, and was surprised there were no crosses anywhere inside the church, or around any members necks. The guy giving the sermon was not a "preacher", but a "speaker". They refer to each other as Brother and Sister, and all the males wear suit coats and ties, while the females wear dresses.

    Like someone mentioned earlier, they do put strong emphasis on the "warm fuzzy" feeling you get, claiming this is the Holy Spirit testifying to you that this is the "True Religion". However Satan is always transforming himself into an angel of light.

    The missionaries are basically a bunch of kids wet behind the ears who have been duped into thinking they are earning their salvation. Most of them cant even tell you what they really believe. (just a few minor doctrines) However, most of them do mean well. They are given all kinds of rules to follow while on their mission. For example, they cant swim, get on a computer, listen to the radio(unless a potential convert is driving, and they are riding with him) or watch T.V. All these and more rules were broken when they used to hang around me. I made sure of it.

    They definately pressure prospective members to get baptized, and once youre in, you cant go inside the temple unless you are following the "Words of Wisdom", wich excludes the use of tobbacco, caffiene, and of course you must be up to date on your tithing. (10% of your annual earnings)

    However, there is one thing to be gained by hanging out with them. I got my lawn mowed for free every week, and much needed help at my office in the form of manual labor. So i would buy them lunch. Not a bad payoff for all that!!

  • drwtsn32
    at the time thinking I was collecting baptisms just incase one of them might work...

    lol... that's funny!

  • Lord Zagato
    Lord Zagato

    The debate we have (still ongoing) about LDS vs. Christian doctrines in the Star Wars board (of all places): http://forums.starwars.com/thread.jsp?forum=16&thread=98341 Interestingly, fewer and fewer Mormons went into it, and it seems to have become a losing proposition for them.

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