I think the finished mystery book probably contains the stupidest beliefs ever recorded! Almost any prophecy publication but especially anything to do with Revelation, is unbelievable!
What Was/Is The Dumbest JW Belief?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
That the rest of their beliefs were true.
Rutherford said a lot of crazy things.
There was an example of him pacing out how many yards it was from the room where he wrote some of his ravings to the place where was printed and somehow that fulfilled a prophecy in Daniel.
I read a lot of his stuff when I was in the process of leaving.I recommend it.
Village Idiot
Under Russell the Watchtower taught that white skin was the original color of mankind. In one Watchtower a story was recounted of a black man praying that his skin would turn white. He got his wish.
Another Watchtower (Russell?), in addressing itself to its black audience, said that in a little short time all skins would be white. This was said because black Bible Students were complaining about the fact that they were segregated in their meetings.
If you mean strictly a JW belief, the whole 1914 thing.
The Great Flood is a whopper.
The Bible is God's word. Remember, "All scripture is inspired and beneficial" and if "anyone takes away from the scroll...". Yet, the so-called "apochryphal" were deleted centuries after they were written. 367AD is when the canonical 66 books were decided upon.
That God directs the GB
stan livedeath
What Was/Is The Dumbest JW Belief?
jehovah ?
All of them vie for the crazy crown! Take your pick! But the craziest ones are the unwritten ones. Here's one heard from a -window cleaning elder- "The resurrection of those found worthy will take place at conventions. Since all were baptized in water all will emerge from water!"
Beat that for a watchtarded prophesy! And this guy all but trumpets this from the Sunday public talk.. So deeply entrenched is his belief, that he once asked a CO if his thinking was correct. The CO looked at him incredulously and said it was a perceptive thought but not to get carried away by it!
Hair.... lol🌞
The latest belief? They keep getting crazier. Overlapping generations....period