Defining What is the Truth about the Truth of the Jehovah's Witnesses Religion

by Finkelstein 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • daringhart13

    My thoughts:

    The vast majority of JW's are so uneducated.....and most of it is by CHOICE....they love ignorance. It's comfortable for them. I think a great many subconsciously know it's all a lie.....but crave a sense of belonging. Therefore, the depression that runs rampant through the 'organization.'

    It is nothing more than a semi-brilliant (all religions employ this methodology) pyramid scheme. It took off during an interesting time in human history, particularly the western world. It grew mostly among disadvantaged people.

  • Finkelstein

    The JWS organization is another example of just how dangerous it can be, to openly let people self create themselves into self empowered spiritual Seers to the almighty gods. This particular delusion of power influenced thousands of people to let themselves die by not receiving a blood transfusion, organ transplant and vaccination.

    This entailment of self expressive power and control can be become deadly and dangerous to people who let themselves mentally embrace this perception of delusion.

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