You folks who are disappointed that it never was "the truth" shouldn't be. Remember that scripture that says something like "...eye has not seen, nor has it come into the imagination of man, what God will do for those who love him..." {words to that effect}. Everything we think or thought we knew about the so-called New System were things our eyes have seen and consisted of things that had come up in the imagination of man.
Thus, what the WTBTS said we could look forward to wasn't it! What we will be given in the next level of being far excedes anything the puny, worn-out imaginations of the geriatric crowd on the GB can come up with. The only thing I'm fairly sure of is that the next level of being is not on this planet; that we will have new bodies in which to house our spiritualizing identities, and that all of us are going: exjw, Hindu, Baptist, Muslim, Shinto, Buddhist, atheist, agnostic, and Holy Roller. We're all going, and we're all going all the way sooner or later.
But you have to ask yourself, by what magic can death - the natural cessation of life - perform such that the animal origin soul of man is instantly transformed into a being of such spiritual completeness and purity that it can logically and consistently stand outside of time and space before the existential God in heaven? That entire idea is nothing but a pleasing fable IMHO. I think that many transformations must take place between death here and our arrival there in the Center of All Things before the existential God, maker of Universes and Giver of Life. I know you all remember the scripture by John about being carried away to the 7th heaven. Well. How many heavens are there? And how many lives do we live before we have attained the level of perfection that would allow us to make that leap from a time/space existence to a life lived in eternity and infinity.
Have you ever given this any thought? I didn't until I had fully and forever shaken off the crumbling shell of Watchtowerism and was able to think fully and freely "outside the box" (outside the jail for the intellect provided by the JWs). Jesus, don't they know that ALL religions are supposed to provide paths for growth, not jails for stunting the spirit nature? I guess not.