There are plenty of missed opportunities that jokehovians are going to have to deal with. Suppose I put some of the money I wasted supporting this filth into silver at 4 toilet papers per ounce. I could have had a decent sized stack at those prices--a few ounces a week (you could have bought 5 ounces with each of those 20's that got put in that box) adds up.
As for college, it is not perfect because people can and do end up with huge debts with a worthless piece of paper to show for it. But, that choice should be made by the individual instead of a religion that is going to steal their money and their time. Pious-sneering is a complete waste of money, plus it prevents getting a decent job even if college is not required.
They miss out on fun, too. In big cities, you might find people that speak Spanish or French in the territory, but those are reserved for the Spanish or French territory (and, in some cities, you might have some Oriental language or Italian). Do you actually get to learn one of those languages? I don't think so--and, if your choice of language is not one spoken by that many, you are not going to be learning it at all (such as German, Polish, Russian, Dutch, or whatever other language you might find interesting).
And do they get to learn anything else? Like programming your computer? Taking food supplements to take care of your health? Buying hobby silver (hobby silver is silver coins with high premiums and high collection value, as opposed to investment silver which carries less premium and is more common)? Or, other hobbies? Or, learning to play a musical instrument? Or fine cooking? I doubt it.
Of course, the children miss out on fun right now, too. They have to waste their time on Grand Boasting Sessions. How many of them have been to two or more different fun venues within the same driving distance and budget as those wastefests? Not very. Do they even get to play? Never mind that they got nothing, not even coal, for Christmas. Do they get to play with anything? Or, they are "better off with nothing" because that way, they will not have any options other than field circus and boasting sessions? That, too, can leave children ill prepared for life, just as losing college can.