My last meeting I went to was so boring and dry. And to think the God of The Universe would use/have such "uneducated " people teaching more people bout God. At the Sametime frown and scoff at anyone who has an education or gains one. Is very telling!
How did you find Jehovah's Witness meetings?
by Vanderhoven7 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The last one I took my 90-plus-year-old mom to, the Governing-Body-WT-Organization cheerleading felt like it’d been dialed up to 11.
stan livedeath
if you thought the talks were boring--try GIVING the talk. The last public talk i was supposed to give--i didnt. I resigned earlier that sunday morning.
Even when you are watching Zoom meetings you need a cup of strong coffee to keep awake. Speakers sound half dead. Meetings that lack any joy. Can understand that half jws don't bother tho be there in person. No enthusiasm. And the begging for money. Like they doing a great job and deserve the donations they get 🤮
I am interested how God sees the assemblies of the people who bear His Name...
Amos 5:
21. “I hate, I despise your feasts,
and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies................
12. For I know how many are your transgressions
and how great are your sins—
you who afflict the righteous, who take a bribe,
and turn aside the needy in the gate.
22. Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them;
and the peace offerings of your fattened animals,
I will not look upon them.
23. Take away from me the noise of your songs;
to the melody of your harps I will not listen.
24. But let justice roll down like waters,
and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. -
Beth Sarim
Meetings seem canned, unemotional & mechanical. There's more life and enthusiasm in a large storage shed.
You guys make me laugh!
In my youngest teenage years, when all important education at a decent school was thankfully available to me, my mother, poor deluded soul, dragged me thrice weekly to long tedious meetings each when I should have been doing the homework necessary to pass exams that would have eventually helped me make a decent living as an adult.
The following day after a meeting I was always too tired to be able to make best use of the earnest efforts of school teachers. Homework suffered enormously, earning me a reputation of being a ‘slacker’ or even ‘imbecile’ no doubt.
Mother used to proudly boast that I was rebellious, - a problem child, in constant need of correction, usually physical, yet never did I once complain about going to the meetings, nor did I question anything they coercively taught me.
The hypocrisy of the Witnesses didn’t fail to leave it’s mark on me from those early times, gossip was rampant, a callous, cold attitude prevailed amongst those highest in the hierarchy whilst those at the bottom felt pushed out, unwanted because they failed to meet some unrevealed or secret criteria for being accepted into the ruling cliques.
Can you believe, even though there were no other Witness children in my school, I actually went to the headmistress and, trembling in my shoes, sick with fear, made application for not having to go into school morning worship each day, and to no longer have to go into religious education classes. Here in the U.K., children who were Jewish or Catholic were able to refrain from participation in morning worship, but still had to attend.
I, however wanting to be obedient to a higher authority, or so I understood it to be so, negotiated to not be bodily present when prayers were said, hymns being sung and sermons given. Headmistress was purple with rage, I kid you not. The school had a very high reputation in the district for turning out high academic achievers, and as such they valued compliance to strict regulations. My demands were unthinkable, but nonetheless Headmistress through gritted teeth asked that my mother go and see her. (A detention was narrowly missed) Henceforth I was to sit on the ‘naughty’ seat outside headmistresses study while rest of school filed in for morning worship, girls furtively whispering amongst themselves as they saw me there and wondering what heinous crime I was guilty of!
Was there ever any support from anyone of the congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses in all those years I have associated with them? Extremely little. If any. Many times there have been that have come home crying. And seen others do so to.
Before ever attending a meeting at the Kingdom Hall, I had been given the impression that it was going to be a mind-altering experience. The reality came over as something of a let down. Still, I figured that there must have been a point that I was somehow missing. (One of the reasons I stayed around for as long as I did).
But no, they can have their bloody meetings - I’d rather visit the dentist!
hello - Meetings that lack any joy.
So true.
Beth's Serum - There's more life and enthusiasm in a large storage shed.
...and that's an insult to storage sheds.
Same here. I had no choice. Forced as a child to attend the awful borefest. I have no good memories of Meetings(tm).