Me I slowly came to see religion was a crutch we use to dream of a better "afterlife"....I feel half my life was wasted building an organisation that had no criminal mastermind behind it...just alot of mislead people looking for leadership. If your still religious explain why.
How many here turned Athiest or did not and why??
by Witness 007 30 Replies latest jw experiences
After I walked away from the JW religion I gradually became an agnostic. I was raised Catholic and got involved with JWs as a young adult.
My bad experience in the JWs turned me off religion in general. I have no use for any of it. To me, religions are a place where some people look to lord over others and also, sadly, where some unscrupulous individuals are looking for an easy life where they don’t have to work like other human beings.
But, to each his own. Some people want to jump into another belief system. Let them. I don’t ‘need’ to belong to anything or ‘go’ anywhere.
Witness 007
I was not a good student at school but loved "Watchtower" education anything to do with "the truth" I was your expert. I felt I belonged but it did not help me in the real world.
Right. And how could it, possibly?
Religious type studies have no practical application in the everyday world of commerce and business, etc. They aren’t designed for critical thinking and dealing with life. That might explain how years ago it was men in monasteries who pondered over these things.
If everybody did what JWs suggest everybody should do 🙄….absolutely nothing else would get done! There wouldn’t be crops, inventions or anything else for that matter.
I tried to find archeology and other evidence for the bible. Ended up questioning it quickly which lead to a search for 100% proof for evolution. I found it and became an atheist in five minutes. It's taken over a decade to extract. As for an afterlife that has nothing to do with the bible or anything supernatural
Two world wars were fought upholding such rights as Freedom of Worship. Too many people died in both for me to want to interfere with that! (Read, if somebody wants to attend a church service, then let them).
Personally, though - to quote the late Minimus - I am definitely in a condition best described as “ Religioned Out”.
Every society needs slavery to exist. The disturbing truth of the the matter is that most people never realize they are slaves.
Leadership of religion manipulates peoples fear of the afterlife, grief and health conditions into donating their time and money to the leadership.
Denomination of faith doesn’t matter. All religions and social institutions manipulate the little people so the masters on top get an easy free ride on the backs of others.
road to nowhere
Agnostic. I want to believe but see the internal politics in JWs; the illogical waiting for more converts; the crazy ever-changing doctrine; the lack of intervention in things "we" would cure. If god is up there he is not interested.
My experience with " babylon" is mostly funerals, a little bit of seeing real charity. The social structure there is at least as good or better than the " true religion".
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
I follow several atheist YouTubers. The growing consensus among these atheists is to define an atheist as "a persons who does not find sufficient evidence to foster a belief in a god or gods." This is where I find myself. That is to say, "I do not find there is sufficient evidence that there is a god, but if someone finds evidence to the contrary I will have to accept it and adjust my thinking."
When I finally came to the conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses are not the true religion I became an atheist in a heartbeat. One second I was a believer and the next I was not. I went right to antitheist. Not only did I not believe, I had a general dislike of all religion and actively put religion down. The problem with me was I became nihilistic and that generated a lot of suffering in me and, by me, a lot of suffering in those around me.
I started becoming religious, even Christian, again. However, it didn't take too long and I began to see right through all Judeo-Christian belief. I discovered that a large part of the Bible was myth. Even that which many believe is historical never happened. Not too mention I was disturbed with just how bloodthirsty YHWY is and David praying for YHWY to kill his enemies and grant him victory in battle was the final nail in the coffin for me.
It is hard to believe how many people, educated people, still believe the Jewish mythology of Israel being a special people. That at one time there was a nation of Israel that was enslaved by Egypt and that a man named Moses lead them to freedom after talking to a burning bush. That this nation wandered a desert wilderness for 40 years while making animal sacrifices to atone for their sins. Outside the Bible, there is no historical or archeological evidence that supports this. Even the existence of kings Saul and David are questioned.
If the Old Testament is all a manufactured myth to make a Canaanite tribe feel special after being conquered by the Persians, how can anyone believe in Jesus being the Messiah? Christianity's foundation is the fulfillment of a Jewish Old Testament prophecy. If that prophecy is a myth then Christianity is founded on a myth.
road to nowhere
The big puzzle is "stuff". Is the cosmos eternal, and why; or did a higher power make it. Then again why, and whence came the eternal being.
Are the galaxies part of a giant molecule, and our molecules decrease to things we cannot see to infinity? get out your bong.😃