Vid obsession

by punkofnice 25 Replies latest social current

  • punkofnice

    I'm interested in your thoughts.

    The Media tells us a lot of agenda driven propaganda. You're hard pressed to spot truth these days.

    However, I'm told that the Rona is now just a rotten flu and not the plague we were originally terrified in to believing.

    Last time I heard it was down in the hit parade to 16th nasty health thing.

    All the people and family I know that have had the rona, have been complaining it's a very crappy flu. I'm sorry for anyone that had fatal results with it.

    From what I observe NOW, we can live with it now. Am I wrong?

    Why are varied businesses, countries and other types of places/people still very obsessed with it, as if it is the number 1 killer? Did the fear work? Do they know something I don't?

    On a side thingy, I still see people on their own in the street or driving with rona masks on. Or those visors that look like they're going to weld something.

    On another side note, if people are so worried about 'climate' because of plastic waste, why do they discard the face nappy diaper which isn't cloth but plastic which will probably strangle a turtle or something as it makes Earth burn? (Yes, I'm being sarcastic).

  • Vidqun

    Punkofnice, what you now see is herd immunity. That's how nature works. All come in contact with the virus and build up antibodies. And, unfortunately, like any epidemic, the old, frail and immuno-compromised die. As normal person, you have a 99.98 chance of not dying from the COVID virus. Even Bill Gates admitted that the new Omicron variant did a much better job at immunizing the people than their vaccines ever could. This miracle is known as "natural immunity," something that we and the animals are born with.

  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    Omicron did a better job of creating immunity because it is a watered down corona virus. With each mutation it gets less powerful. Like everything in nature. My daughter and her entire family has had it. My grandson has had it... twice.

    I have not seen my family in 2 1/2 years.

    I am a senior - vulnerable population.

    I have more than one immunocompromised disorder - vulnerable population x2

    I have cancer - vulnerable population while on chemo

    I now have cancer in my lungs - vulnerable population

    I truly appreciate everyone who continues to wear a mask.

    I cannot afford to get even a watered down virus. Heck I don't even want a cold.

    Sometimes I have to go to the bank. or the store, or downstairs to get my mail. To a doctor's office, the hospital, or a clinic for testing. Sometimes I just want to get OUTIDE for a few minutes.

    There are many people just like me. We don't look sick or compromised. But we are. We are not living in care homes. We are in the community right alongside everyone else. And we have to do the things normal people do.

    Personally I have no desire to see yet another wave of any variant.

    You want your life back. So do I.

  • punkofnice
    LM - You want your life back. So do I.

    Bless your ol' cotton socks. I hope all the best for you.

    My Mum has the big C, and the outlook isn't good. Here in this part of the UK they test her when she has an appointment ...but not for Rona.

  • peacefulpete

    So much disinformation is STILL being circulated. The Sars-cov-2 virus was a new virus that humans had not been exposed to. It was highly contagious and dangerous. The Sars-cov (1) virus of 2002 killed approximately 9% of those infected. The Sar-Cov-2 had a rate of serious illness about 10 times that of the unrelated flu virus. Mortality rates early on were between .5% and 1.5% mortality before we developed a more effective therapy for recovery. The unpredictable way people responded to exposure contributed to its spread and the dismissive reactions of some. While the medical profession scrambled to find therapies and equipment to deal with it, the best course was to limit the transmission rate and slow the curve to enable the worlds hospitals to keep up.

    The vaccines were successful at reducing the viral load, and thereby lowering the risk of serious illness and transmission.

    As all viruses (given the chance) do, it evolved into dozens of variants in the bodies of the infected. The variants that were more contagious spread faster and became dominant. Fortunately, and not inevitably, as the virus became more contagious it also became less dangerous to otherwise healthy people. The virus in some form is now endemic and will be with us for a long time. It's still advised we continue to wear a mask in indoor public settings for those who are not willing or able to get the vaccines and those who, like me, have cancer or other health issues that would be a complication to recovering from even the new variants.

  • truth_b_known

    I heard new data involving COVID-19 deaths on the radio today. During the first year of the lockdown in the U.S. there was a drastic increase in alcohol related deaths. Depending on the age group (the youngest group was 16 - 20 years old) in increases were from 25% to 35%. The number of alcohol related deaths in the U.S. during the first year of the COVID-19 lockdown surpassed those who actually died from COVID-19.

    In short, American drank themselves to death faster than COVID-19 could kill them.

    2 years into all of this the U.S. Centers for Disease Controls tells us that the use of an N95 mask, which is designated a respirator, is required to assist in cutting down the spread of COVID-19. All these paper masks and custom cloth masks will not work. Then there is the fact that the COVID-19 virus can be absorbed through the membrane of the eyes. So, unless you have a face shield, the mask isn't going to stop you from contracting it.

    I am fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 9 months later I contracted COVID-19. My case was so severe it nearly killed me. Now I have been diagnosed with COVID Long Haulers.

    Here is what the doctor of my work supervisor told him when he contracted COVID-19 -

    • We are all going to get.
    • The only thing that will help us all is to get it and get over and over until we build up our immunity to it.

    Punk - you are correct in your assumption. We need to live with it. People are tired of just surviving because surviving is not living. Politicians are realizing this and they see they can no longer politize it for their benefit.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Why are varied businesses, countries and other types of places/people still very obsessed with it - because Covid gave them the reason/excuse to give themselves strict powers.

    And giving up those powers is very hard to do, especially for MPs.

  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh


    I think this is one issue where most politicians would have preferred to never have had to make many of the really hard decisions they had to make. It cost many to lose the next election.

    When they take office they swear to act for the benefit of all the people in their constituency.

    With power comes responsibility and sometimes you have to just do the right thing.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I think this is one issue where most politicians would have preferred to never have had to make many of the really hard decisions they had to make - maybe so, but when it came to granting emergency powers they champed at the bit.

    There needs to be a rigorous enquiry into the UK government's handling of the pandemic.

    Everything - the stats of Covid deaths need examining (how many died of Covid v how many died with Covid), the science behind mandatory masks and 2m distance, 'rule of six', the whole damn lot.

  • FedUpJW

    Did the fear work?

    Yes, and very well. Regardless of what many people sadly believe, this was NEVER about the powers-that-be having the best interests of the population in mind. It was ALWAYS about control of the population.

    U.S. Centers for Disease Controls tells us that the use of an N95 mask, which is designated a respirator, is required to assist in cutting down the spread of COVID-19.

    And yet the manufacture of N95 respirators says this right on the box:

    N95 is a disposable particulate respirator that is designed to help provide reliable respiratory protection of at least 95 percent filtration efficiency against certain non-oil based particles. This respirator is designed for use for particles such as those from grinding, sanding, sweeping, sawing, bagging, or other dusty operations. This respirator can also help reduce inhalation exposures to certain airborne biological particles (examples: mold, Bacillus anthracis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis), but cannot eliminate the risk of contracting infection, illness, or disease. The respirator incorporates 3M’s proprietary technology with advanced electrostatically charged microfiber filter media designed for ease of breathing. This respirator is compatible with a variety of protective eyewear and hearing protection.

    WARNING: These respirators help reduce exposures to certain airborne contaminants. Before use, the wearer must read and understand the User Instructions provided as a part of the product packaging. In the U.S., a written respiratory protection program must be implemented meeting all the requirements of OSHA 1910.134 including training, fit testing and medical evaluation.

    Now I wonder how many read those instructions, much less actually understand and follow them? My bet is ZERO! Oh well, as long as they comply and virtue signal how sheep-like they are I guess it is all good.

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