I'm interested in your thoughts.
The Media tells us a lot of agenda driven propaganda. You're hard pressed to spot truth these days.
However, I'm told that the Rona is now just a rotten flu and not the plague we were originally terrified in to believing.
Last time I heard it was down in the hit parade to 16th nasty health thing.
All the people and family I know that have had the rona, have been complaining it's a very crappy flu. I'm sorry for anyone that had fatal results with it.
From what I observe NOW, we can live with it now. Am I wrong?
Why are varied businesses, countries and other types of places/people still very obsessed with it, as if it is the number 1 killer? Did the fear work? Do they know something I don't?
On a side thingy, I still see people on their own in the street or driving with rona masks on. Or those visors that look like they're going to weld something.
On another side note, if people are so worried about 'climate' because of plastic waste, why do they discard the face nappy diaper which isn't cloth but plastic which will probably strangle a turtle or something as it makes Earth burn? (Yes, I'm being sarcastic).