I sent off my application to study Palaeobiology (MSc) at Bristol uni and ...

by LoveUniHateExams 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lostandfound

    Check which Campus you will be on mainly and then start looking at accommodation , Bristol is booming with high tech firms so accommodation can be well above UK average. Most UNIs have a production line of Media Studies students, fit only for McDonalds when they graduate, your course sounds of quality learning and research. Good Luck.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Good on you LUHE! JWs miss out on the thrill of actually learning about real things.

    How could anyone study any of the life sciences and not be convinced of evolution? Imagine a JW pioneer with a part-time job doing palaeobiology!

    It is my opinion that the geological column should be a primary school subject since its consequences impinge on many aspects of real life.

  • TD

    Very cool!

  • Simon


    Let us know how you're getting on :)

  • mentalclarity

    That's amazing! Congrats!

  • Alex Bogdanov
    Alex Bogdanov

    I have been in Bristol numerous times, beautiful place. I wish you to have an excellent time during your studies and all the best on your future essays and diploma works

  • redpilltwice

    Sounds like a fascinating adventure. Congratulations!

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Thanks, too, to the next lot of posters who wished me well (from Smiddy to Redpilltwice).

    I've accepted their offer and applied for accommodation. Yes, I'm prepared to slum it at Bristol. XD

    The Careers Service at my old uni, Bolton, have told me that new students who are first moving to a uni are usually given priority, so are postgrad students.

    One particular person at Bolton Careers Service, Deborah, helped me write a supporting statement.

    Here it is ...

    I first started to develop an interest in animal life at 3 or 4 years old, after my father bought me my first animal encyclopaedia. I learnt that some species are alive today, some species are extinct, and others are endangered. This interest broadened and deepened over the years as I was given various other books. Some were quite broad in scope whereas others were quite specific. These ignited my interest in mammalian carnivores, sharks, crocodiles, pterosaurs, dinosaurs and hominids. After having passed GCSEs, I left school aged 16 and joined the workforce. However, my interest in natural history continued. I often read newspaper articles that reported on new fossil discoveries.

    Therefore I have long had an interest in ancient life, fossils and natural history in general. I have had books that give detailed information about dinosaurs and other extinct taxa. So by the time I was 13, I understood that dinosaurs are classified according to the arrangement of their hip bones. Cases where the pubis points backwards, running parallel to the ischium, show that the individual belongs to the Order Ornithischia. This arrangement of the hip bones is similar to the arrangement found in birds’ hips. The hips of saurischian dinosaurs have the pubis projecting forwards.

    I am aware that the Palaeobiology (MSc) degree at the University of Bristol gives students a strong foundation for pursuing careers in museums and libraries. Students’ papers are regularly published and graduates of the programme have been successful in being accepted for PhD positions. This degree would be very useful for me, as I intend to have a career in research. I am interested in carrying out research into hominid evolution generally and human evolution specifically. Certain aspects of human behaviour also fascinate me. I am eager to find out more about the technology of early humans. Ritualistic behaviours such as burying the dead, and even religious belief, continue to interest me. I am keen to study the compulsory unit ‘geology for research palaebiologists’. This unit will give me experience in laboratory methods that I currently lack. The unit ‘research methods in palaeobiology’ will similarly help me.

    I studied Biology for my first degree. I chose to specialise in Animal Biology, with my dissertation focusing on the behaviour of captive wolves. I liaised well with my supervisor and my project benefitted from her advice. I worked hard and attained a good mark (73%) for my project. The behaviour of extinct species is a part of palaeobiology and needs to be investigated. Extant species’ behaviour can be observed in captivity and in the wild but this method of observation obviously cannot be used to investigate the behaviour of extinct species. I am keen to learn how palaeobiologists study fossils in order to investigate and explain the behaviours of species that once lived. I received a good mark (67%) for Research Science. This module was coursework-based and consisted of several scientific reports. I learned how to design experiments and propose a testable hypothesis. I can collect data accurately and display results appropriately and clearly. I enjoyed discussing my results and employing accurate use of language in order to draw sensible, relevant conclusions.

    I worked hard for my Bachelor’s and received good marks for my exam results and coursework. I graduated with a first class degree in 2015. I communicated well with my lecturers, making good use of the University of Bolton’s email system. I have kept in contact with my project supervisor since graduating. In 2016, my former supervisor helped me create a scientific poster of my project for a poster presentation at BIAZA’s annual conference. This was good experience in not only making posters and but also justifying my project by answering questions from interested people.

    I got on well with my fellow undergraduate students at the University of Bolton. One particular field trip involved us working in groups of three and collecting data and specimens of sea-shore organisms. The next day in the laboratory, one student was on his own because his two colleagues were absent. I volunteered to help him with identifying and cataloguing specimens.

    I worked for two days per week as a volunteer at Cancer Research UK. I labelled and steamed donated clothes. I also worked on the till on the shop floor. It was for a worthy cause. Volunteers selling items so that the money goes to cancer research must be seen as a good thing. Working on the till was initially outside my comfort zone but it helped me add to my communication skills and gave me confidence in dealing with members of the public.

    I have a deep-rooted interest in natural history. Experience of using Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and PowerPoint has given me a set of transferrable skills. I also have specialist skills, such as running statistical analysis of data in SPSS and writing scientific reports. I am motivated to undertake a Master’s degree in Palaeobiology and I feel that I have a lot to offer the scientific community.

  • NewYork44M

    Congratulations! Best wishes for your continued success.

    Remember the greatest revenge is living a successful life. Be sure to post pictures as you progress.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Awesome! Congrats!

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