What is this?

by Achille 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • moomanchu
  • Dave500

    Check out my article "2017-07 QFR (firearms) - with scriptures and comments".

    You can get it here: tinyurldotcom/bibramz

    Most of them had swords.


  • finishedmystery

    It is said that the human mind has a tendency to see patterns even when they're not really there. Be that as it may, what I find disturbing is how in the background foliage there are so many facial images that I've lost count. It is a very disturbing drawing. One ex witness has a lot of content on his youtube channel with a lot of content devoted to this very subject. Think what you like, I believe it is subliminal demonism. As for the object in question I believe Blondie has it right calling it a scroll, but here's the problem. It assumes that it's wrapped around some kind of inner roller. Research into what these rollers looked like shows nothing like what's in the drawing. The end is more like a dildo tip, the glans end of a penis. There has been enough of this sort of thing in the artwork of WT literature that some of it is almost certainly subliminal imagery. I do not believe in seeing something around every corner or underneath every rock, but some is definitely there. I do not believe in a rogue artist theory because it's too easy to identity the artist, and I do not believe in a conspiracy between the art department and the governing entity behind it because too many people would be involved. A secret like that could not be kept over the long haul. No, it's got to be demonic forces changing the digital art somewhere along the way before it goes to print.

  • slimboyfat

    Oh for crying out loud. Are they for real?? 😳

  • slimboyfat

    July magazine isn’t up on the website yet. Where did this come from?

  • HereIam60

    It's from last year's (July 2024) Study Edition Watchtower article "Keep On Guard Against Temptation" One of a series of 3 illustrations depicting Jesus telling the apostles to 'Keep on the watch', their falling asleep, then abandoning him. I would agree that the object in question is the sword Peter used to strike off the ear of the high priest's slave (Matthew 26), but as drawn it does resemble something else...

  • slimboyfat

    Ah, found it now.

    Yeah that depiction is no accident. It can’t be. It takes a long time to produce an image like that and a lot of people are involved in the process. So WTF is going on?

  • Achille
    Sì, penso anche che sia un fodero di spada. Sulla sinistra puoi vedere quello che sembra un'elsa di spada. E quello al centro deve essere il fodero. Non penso che sia un rotolo di Scritture. Mi sembra improbabile che gli ebrei portassero con sé rotoli di Scritture, che erano oggetti preziosi e rari, che venivano conservati nelle sinagoghe. Tuttavia, la forma non è chiara e si presta a interpretazioni "ambigue".

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    The guy in the middle appears to be wearing a denim skirt

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I don't usually agree with the supposedly subliminal images, being willing to give the benefit of the doubt and ascribe it to sloppy artistry and printing methods. But this one is blatantly obvious. I would say some mischievous person in the art department drew it and nobody noticed at the time.

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