How the JWs Handle a Member Visiting Another Church: What Is Your Experience?

by LauraLynn 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LauraLynn

    I grew up a JW but my parents were not regularly attending services at a KH. They used to, and were thoroughly indoctrinated though. As is the JWs habit of visiting non-attenders, 2 sisters came to my mom and dad's door one day to inquire of our well-being. My mom told them that she had been witnessing to a co-worker who was from Elmbrook Church (back when Stuart Briscoe was lead pastor and on TV). After pleasantries were said, the sisters left.

    The following week, 3 elders from our local KH came to the door. After greetings, the lead elder stated that these 2 sisters had reported that my mom had visited Elmbrook Church! How the story got so twisted, I do not know. But this lead elder started sputtering that visiting another "worldly" church was grounds for disfellowshipping, and that my mom should not do it again.

    My mom explained that she did not visit another church, but that the fella she was witnessing to was from Elmbrook Church. After cross-examining her about how she even knew of such a church, she said that she did because they were on TV every Sunday morning. It was obvious the elders did not believe her, and my dad finally came to the door and told them to leave.

    So, I am assuming that they were "marked" somehow, as no one from the KH ever came back again. The only contact they had with the JWs after that was that an elder would try to visit my dad in the hospital to remind him about the rule against blood transfusions, not to find out how he was doing! Sigh.

    How about you guys? What has been your experience in situations like this?

  • KerryKing

    No advice but those sisters are guilty of slander and are actually false witnesses, which even in 'the world' is against the law. Maybe they need reminding of that...

  • joe134cd

    5 years after leaving the JWs I started attending the Catholic Church. Best thing I ever could have done, in reconnecting my faith in God. As far as dealing with PIMI relatives, I’ve found the best approach is the less said the better things will turn out.

  • NotFormer

    If that sort of thing can happen, then how can anyone feel safe?

    Is there always a background sense of fear in a Kingdom Hall?

  • greenhornet

    We went to a Pentecostal church. For the first time,it

    was very different for me. Toward the end I went out to the car and listened to music. It was very different for me but am happy my wife got to see old friends

  • LauraLynn


    Yes, there is always this fear, either of being shunned or disfellowshipped. For me, though, I was so brainwashed that I was, even a couple years after I left, afraid to visit another church--but not afraid of JWs--I then was afraid I was going to anger Jehovah God. I remember the first time I went to a Christian church I kept worrying that God would strike me dead or something. Maybe that was just me and my young age, but the cult-like control they have over members is pretty extensive. It's like any unhealthy religion that equates displeasing or disobeying their leaders as disobeying God. I had to be deprogrammed and taught what the bible actually teaches--not their twisted explanations and translation. So thankful to be out!

  • blondie

    The WTS waffles on this into 2 categories, going to a church as if a member 2) going to wedding or a funeral at a church. In many cases, the WTS says it is a conscience matter (and we know what that means, better not do and "stumble" someone) if husband not jw wants wife to go: Many convoluted "reasoning" ends up with not stumbling jw. But if a jw gets baptized in another church, that is considered disassociating yourself. WT 10/15/86 p. 31 "The elders, or shepherds, of the congregation might learn of a baptized Christian who has ceased associating with Jehovah’s people and who has apparently become associated with another religion. In harmony with Jesus’ words about being concerned about any stray sheep, the spiritual shepherds should be interested in helping such a person. (Matthew 18:12-14; compare 1 John 5:16.) But what if the shepherds designated to look into the matter determine that the person no longer wants to have anything to do with Jehovah’s people and is determined to remain in a false religion? They would then simply announce to the congregation that such one has disassociated himself and thus is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

  • LongHairGal


    Back when I was active in the Witness religion a few of us were talking after the Sunday meeting.

    I had recently gone to Europe and toured many churches/cathedrals. I was talking about my trip and mentioned that I got to use the ladies room in one of them. So, an elderly sister standing nearby overheard and puts in her two cents and says I should not have gone in them ‘because what if Armageddon struck right then?’

    I might have muttered something about it not bothering my conscience. Even when I was a ‘believer’ in the JW religion I felt that it wasn’t bad to view those old churches and I compared it to visiting a museum! Witnesses are so stupid and extreme in their views and I let it go in one ear and out the other.. From that point onwards I learned to keep my mouth shut and weigh my words around JWs.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    We all learn to keep our mouths shut as JWs

    We all weighed our own words and STFU to avoid ramifications from the elders.

    As I was saying earlier on somewhere else on this forum this morning ""its a who doesn't know,, they dont care"". Whatever you want to try and do without the elders know,,,then do it.

    You realize its just a bunch of dudes running the show.

    If you dont open your mouth and say anything it's ""cricket, crickets....."

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    What I'm really saying is,,is do things according to how you want to.

    Dont tell anyone or leave any evidence & you should be juuuuust fine.🙂

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