Activism Success UPDATE:
Hi all, just wanted to update you on further to my post (link ).
As usual we were in the park this weekend gone (the two bros fading, my good friend and I).We went for a coffee later. As we were walking to the coffee place we passed a lady and I mentioned that "she lived on my street , near my house. She is very religious it seems coz she is always going to sunday service come rain or shine".
One of the fader bro's said, "I know her. She is a christadelphian."
I said, "Who are christadelphians, I have never heard of them". (mind you this was actually a leading question taking the conversation where I wanted).
He said "Oh they are a christian sect who broke away from Jdumbs"........
After he said that I put this out htere "Wonder if the jdumbs also broke away from someone too. It would be interesting to check their roots....".
No one said a word. I left it at that and we all carried on about other things.
Boom! wednesday morning I get a text from one of the fader bro's saying "can we meet up this weekend again coz he has been digging a little into jdumb history. Want to just chat ".
So I hit the nail on the head again by putting out questions/ thoughts and at least one has done some digging which I am sure we will all share with each other. So I am glad that they are still open to discussions and research. What they decide in the end is totally up to them.
Just thought to share.