What is Your Favorite JW YouTube Video?
by cognac 29 Replies latest jw friends
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm thinking that while the JWs are trained to ignore apostates, that the instinct of curiousity will kick in and many will question those who were up close to hear as to what was actually said and that this will reverberate through out the country as many start doing some research on the subject addressed. -
Ive been in assemblies when people disrupted and protested. It had zero effect. -
problemaddict 2
This stuff drives me nuts (first video). Does it really take guts to interupt a large gathering by yelling? With every person I have ever spoken to who is now out, I have yet to hear one single story that starts with...."this guys at the convention yelled something that really made me think".
Instead it feeds the narrative of the fire breathing apostate that they are told to beware of, and that is proof of Satans unique persecution against them. Bravo you moron! You have just entrenched the faith of thousands of JW's even more, while essentially engaging in therapy for your own scars, and coming off exactly like they want you too. If the branch was smart they would get some actors to do this at every convention. It would really be good in continuing the fear narrative.
Drives me nuts.
Thank you everyone for sharing. These videos are great! -
@ - Simon & Problemaddict - I completely agree with you guys, and i, in NO way condone this behavior. I do beleive it does more "damage", than good. That being said, i still beleive it takes "guts" to do this. Yeah, he is gonna be looked at as a raving lunatic, but obviouslly he felt "compelled" to do this. As Simon said, it most likely came from ANGER, perhaps he was even personally hurt by child abuse, or his own children were. It certainly takes "balls" to get up there and scream like that, in front of all those people, i know i couldnt do it.
I do beleive, though, that specifically with this child abuse issue, if more people did it, it would make people question, What really is going on. Any of the "crazy" tactics that were used in the past, most times never worked. Standing outside holding signs, yelling, and the such, just "reinforced" the "persecution" philosophy in many JW's minds, and if anything "strengthened their faith". However, these men and women, were compelled to do it. Many people have been truly "HURT" by this organization, and i think most of us "feel" for them. People, often act out in certain ways, but it comes from a place of hurt, or anger.
Now, i am not saying, in ANY way, shape or form, that we should be acting like this, but if some choose to, i wont take away, their hurt, and their reasons why. I feel with all the info on the internet, and the WTS OWN ways, and us lovingly speaking to whomever we can help, and yes, if some want to YELL and SCREAM, well taken as a whole, it may create a "bigger picture" that somethings "wrong in watchtower land".
It was probably more detrimental for this person to interupt that assembly, but it took "guts", and he probably did make somebody, "think", idk. I feel bad for him, actually.
best part about your video is the guy is yelling in the "deaf" section of the assembly.
Did you make that? It was brilliant. Definitely my favorite.
That being said, i still beleive it takes "guts" to do this.
I'm going to disagree with you on that one. JWs are pretty far along the pacifist / law-abiding scale when it comes to direct confrontation. He seemed to be going out of his way to instigate violent reaction and didn't get it.
If he has been a victim of serious wrong then it's sad that he feels that is his only option.
Now shouting down the NRA or Donald Trump would be braver.
RE: the guy at the assembly.
Quoting the "ONLINE WT SITE"
▪ “Mere oppression may make a wise one act crazy.”—ECCLESIASTES 7:7.
The Bible acknowledges that at times people feel driven by force of circumstance to do what they otherwise would not do. Some may even commit criminal acts in an effort to bring about what they perceive as solutions to hardships and injustices. “In many cases,” says the book Urban Terrorism, “the primary motivation for a terrorist is a genuine frustration with seemingly intractable political, social, and economic forces.” (WT'S OWN WORDS) Completely understand why that poor man felt so muzzled.
While I would not disrupt a convention personally every time Mr. Possum and I drive past KH I really want to graffiti it. Only thing that has stopped me (and I am 55!) is that Royal Commission gave me a voice.
“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”
― Henry David Thoreau -