The ‘freedom to leave without repercussion’ is a sticking point in the Norway issue
The August Study Watchtower: what is the big deal?
by ukpimo 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Could it be that they are rewriting the entire article(s) in question?
joey jojo
An article discussing disassociation would seem relevant in the current legal climate facing the org.
During the arc, the testimony that Rod Spinks made regarding the difference between disassociation and disfellowshipping was a masterclass in misdirection and obfuscation. Sadly for Rod, he was called out for it
Yeah, real sad, I’m all broken up about it.
Well, remember that an announcement said: "If the issue of August 2024 it's not yet ready for when is time for study it....congs. would receive further instructions" .
So it's kind of baffling, at least....
resolute Bandicoot
"Sadly for Rod, he was called out for it"
Rod Sphincter.